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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jun 4, 2013


Working With Marketing Agencies

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Working With Marketing Agencies

The Three Benefits of Working with an Inbound Marketing Agency

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jun 4, 2013

The Three Benefits of Working with an Inbound Marketing Agency

Having taken an in-depth look at the planning, daily habits, and responsibilities that come with Inbound Marketing, you’re probably asking yourself “who will manage all of this for me?”

Depending on your business’ preferences, resources and financial status, you may have to either; train current staff, hire new staff, outsource orpartner with an agency.

If hiring a host of new staff members sounds out of reach or you are still mystified by the concepts of Inbound Marketing, you may want to consider working with an Inbound Marketing Agency. You must remember however, that a good agency works with you, not just for you.

No one knows your business better than you do, and if an agency is going to create quality content that holds true to your brand and goals, your input is essential.

The Benefits of Working with an Inbound Marketing Agency

Whether you are partnering with an agency or outsourcing your entire Inbound Marketing operation, there are several benefits to working with an agency.

Some of the biggest to consider when hiring an Inbound Marketing Agency are: Expertise and Time & Resources.


To be successful, you must be well versed in not only marketing strategy, but graphic design, web development, content creation, and social media as well.

Unless you are hiring seasoned Inbound Marketers, it is unlikely that your staff has experience with all of these disciplines. A full-service agency will have experts in all of these fields at their disposal and working for your cause.

Time & Resources

Time and Resources are some of the biggest investments that you make with Inbound Marketing. With planning, content creation, and analysis amongst other responsibilities, hiring an agency will free up your company’s time and personnel to complete other crucial tasks.

If you have not fully defined your value proposition, brand identity, or buyer personas, your agency will help you do so. If content creation is not your strength, hiring an agency will also present you with an experienced creative team that will keep your identity in mind and help develop relevant content.

The Cost

Depending on your needs and goals, hiring an Inbound Marketing agency can cost approximately $5,000 to $20,000 a month. And as we have mentioned, your spending is highly dependent on your unique business goals and what you want to achieve.

The more work you need done, the more you will have to spend to meet your needs, but like any good investment, your Inbound Marketing agency will make sure you reap the rewards.

Thinking About Investing in Inbound Marketing?

Check out our newest Ebook! You will learn everything you need to know in order to make a smarter, more successful investment with inbound marketing and get the results you need.

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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
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