IMPACT Inbound Marketing Agency]

They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization.

Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

Discover how IMPACT’s services can help take your business to the next level. Book a free 30-minute coaching session Book a free 30-minute coaching session
Learning Center
Learning Center

Learning Center

Free resources to help you improve the way you market, sell and grow your business.

[NEW] The Endless Customers Podcast is now available everywhere. Learn how to earn trust & win more customers in the age of AI. Listen Now Listen Now

Free Guide

Sell The Way Your Customers Want to Buy
In this free guide, you'll learn exactly how to sell over platforms like Zoom, empower your team to close more deals, and set your organization up for long-term success.
Virtual Sales Guide Cover Mockup v13-min

Free Guide

Sell The Way Your Customers Want to Buy
In this free guide, you'll learn exactly how to sell over platforms like Zoom, empower your team to close more deals, and set your organization up for long-term success.
Featured Content
Featured Content
Your Buyers Want to Control the Sales Process; Here’s How to Let Them
July 12, 2023 • 6 min read
Sales and Marketing Alignment: How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle
June 6, 2024 • 5 min read
Recorded Session
How to Add Video to Your Entire Sales Process
45 min video session
How to Master the Art of Using Content in the Sales Process
October 12, 2021 • 10 min read
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Your Buyers Want to Control the Sales Process; Here’s How to Let Them

Sales and Marketing Alignment: How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle

How to Add Video to Your Entire Sales Process

What is the best way for YOU to start implementing video into your sales process? This session is for salespeople that want the actionable steps on how to get started selling with video. By the end of this session, you'll learn how world-class companies have implemented video top-to-bottom, and where you should get started with your own sales process.

Specifically, we'll cover:

  • Everything to define before adding your first video to your sales process
  • How to determine where it makes sense to start video for your situation
  • The best practices for EVERY sales video you make
  • What the best of the best are doing with video, and how it's transforming their business

How to Master the Art of Using Content in the Sales Process

Best Practices & Getting Started
Best Practices & Getting Started
How to Get Your Sales Reps to Use the HubSpot CRM
June 19, 2024 • 4 min read
Recorded Session
Why Personalized 1:1 Video is So Critical to Your Sales Success
Digital Communication Techniques for 1:1 Sales
50 min course
6 Most Common Problems With Virtual Sales Calls (and How to Avoid Them)
April 22, 2021 • 5 min read
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How to Get Your Sales Reps to Use the HubSpot CRM

Why Personalized 1:1 Video is So Critical to Your Sales Success

People buy from people they trust. In this session, learn how to build trust faster and more consistently by using 1:1 video. We’ll review some dos and don’ts when creating personalized videos, and you’ll walk away with a simple, easy-to-use template to help you create 1:1 videos that educate your customers and build more trust.

Digital Communication Techniques for 1:1 Sales

Email marketing isn’t dead — it’s just much harder to make an impression these days,  especially if you’re trying to sell something! 

Are you looking to boost the open and response rates to your sales emails?

In this course, Myriah Anderson dives into the fundamentals of crafting engaging emails that we use to successfully help move prospects along in the buying journey more quickly and with more confidence.

You will learn:
  • How to write irresistible subject lines
  • How to craft engaging personalized, 1:1 email copy
  • How to use your email signature as a sales tool
  • What content to include in every sales email
  • How to move recipients to action in your email

This course is a great fit for sales professionals and sales leaders who want to increase their team’s effectiveness with email communication and video in the sales process.

By the end of this course, you’ll be confident in how to create clickable subject lines, engaging email copy that includes 1:1 video, calls-to-action, interactive signatures, and the types of content that will help you move deals along faster. 

6 Most Common Problems With Virtual Sales Calls (and How to Avoid Them)

Recent Articles
Recent Articles
Build a Winning Sales Culture: 6 Steps for Sales Managers and Reps
March 7, 2024 • 7 min read
Stop Losing Money: Communication Failures Are Hurting Your Bottom Line [Endless Customers Podcast S.1 Ep.11]
March 4, 2024 • 29 min read
The Sales Problem Everyone Ignores: An Untrained Sales Force
January 22, 2024 • 5 min read

Need Help?

Schedule a call with an IMPACT advisor to see how we can help you bring They Ask, You Answer to life in your business.

What is 'Assignment Selling'? Using Content to Close Deals Faster
January 3, 2024 • 7 min read
The Secret To More Sales: Asking Better Questions
October 2, 2023 • 4 min read
Weak Language Can Doom A Sales Meeting – Here’s What To Do About It
September 7, 2023 • 5 min read
The Key to a Better Sales Process? Pretend to Be Your Own Customer
August 23, 2023 • 4 min read
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Build a Winning Sales Culture: 6 Steps for Sales Managers and Reps

Stop Losing Money: Communication Failures Are Hurting Your Bottom Line [Endless Customers Podcast S.1 Ep.11]

The Sales Problem Everyone Ignores: An Untrained Sales Force

What is 'Assignment Selling'? Using Content to Close Deals Faster

The Secret To More Sales: Asking Better Questions

Weak Language Can Doom A Sales Meeting – Here’s What To Do About It

The Key to a Better Sales Process? Pretend to Be Your Own Customer