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Is that pesky inbound marketing agency constantly bugging you for content? Yes we know - we do it all the time! It's for your own good as a company! But that's not the point. There are key things that you should be doing on a daily basis in order to be getting the most out of your inbound marketing, without hearing from us.
Inbound marketing agencies can't give you results by ourselves! We need your help in the process. Solution? There are a few daily marketing tasks that you need to be doing in order to be successful with inbound marketing. Here is a list of 5 daily marketing tasks that inbound marketing agency clients should be doing every day. We are actually going to tell you why you need to do these things as well, so hopefully the next time we call, you'll know exactly what we need before you even answer the phone. It's a win-win situation!
5 Daily Marketing Tasks for Inbound Marketing Agency Clients
1. Monitor your analytics and set benchmarks for the day.
Hello my Dashboard friends. How is my marketing going today? Log into HubSpot, read some graphs, compare results to goals and benchmarks, and just check up on your marketing in general. If you have any questions, concerns, or you just want to tell us what an amazing job we are doing, then call your inbound marketing agency for answers.
You could even have a quick 5 minute meeting with your marketing team to assess what needs to happen today, what goals should be reached, and how to reach them. It can't hurt! Figure out where your marketing is struggling and work to solve your issues efficiently. Just remember, inbound marketing results don't happen overnight! This daily marketing task is extremely important to your overall strategy. So it needs to be done daily.
2. Identify offers based on new content or giveaways.
It's collaboration time! Have any awesome blog posts lately? A couple blog posts that would go great together? Maybe a killer business presentation? All this golden content that has been so successful for business lately can be publicized! Your great blog posts could be transformed into informational webinars. Think about this: if this blog post is a hit, imagine what a video about the same thing could do!
This is a daily marketing task that allows you to provide your agency with awesome content so that they can generate webinars, ebooks, and whitepapers based on information you already have. This premium content can generate you an enormous amount of leads, so why not jump on it? It takes as much effort as sending an email, and you have a killer landing page and offer that people will want to download. Don't overlook content you already have, as it can be great lead generating material.
3. Interact on social media platforms.
Don't leave your followers hanging! It's 100% necessary to be interacting with your followers every day. It doesn't have to be that hard, though. Utilize the tools at hand: filter social media comments and interactions in HubSpot so that you're only dealing with followers who are important. (The ones that will become leads.) By using HubSpot, you save time, and more importantly, sanity when interacting with your social media platforms.
This daily marketing task doesn't have to be a chore. Schedule social media posts in the first 20 minutes of the morning instead of having to drop what you're doing four times a day to post updates. Listen to your following. Answer their questions. Ask them questions! Do whatever it takes to maintain your social media presence.
4. Generate blog topics & talking points based on past customer questions & issues or company news.
Speaking of answering questions, make sure you take these questions to heart. Between your social media platforms, your sales calls, and customer interactions, you are probably asked a lot of questions per day. And I can guarantee that some of these questions are asked more than once. Now, what's a quick and easy way to reach a bunch of people to answer this question? How about your blog! Jot down these questions, as well as your answers and send them to us to create a blog post!
When a lot of your potential clients have a common question about your industry or company, you can be sure that they will read a blog post on it. And if you keep providing them with relevant content that they want to read, they'll keep coming back for more! You are effectively killing two birds with one stone; you're coming up with blog topics, as well as answering questions that a lot of your customers have! All as a part of your list of daily marketing tasks! Genius!
5. Import your offline leads into HubSpot.
As awesome and innovative as the Internet is, not every one of your leads is going to come from it. Your marketing analytics could be suffering when you are generating more leads than ever! So, it's important to import your leads that didn't come from your website or blog into HubSpot, or send them to us. We can't nurture your leads and convert them into sales if we don't know they exist! This is why it's a daily marketing task. It needs to happen in order to get the most out of HubSpot and your inbound marketing campaign!
Did I miss anything? What do YOU do every day for your inbound marketing agency?

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