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Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Jan 29, 2014



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CNN Partners with Twitter to Transform "Breaking News"

Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Jan 29, 2014

CNN Partners with Twitter to Transform "Breaking News"

CNN_Partners_with_Twitter_to_Transform_Breaking_News"I just watched a plane crash into the hudson river in manhattan." - Jim Hanrahan, 4:33 PM

Hanrahan's tweet marked the first of many tweets reporting on the story of US Airways flight 1549, just minutes after pilot Chesley Sullenberger made the emergency water landing.

Twitter led the media in breaking news, as eye-witnesses took to the social media platform to share the first footage, assure friends and families that people were safe, and express their overwhelming shock.

That seems to be the way things work these days, and Twitter's head of news Vivian Schiller has taken note of it.

In fact, she just announced that she has begun work on a new project: a partnership with CNN and the New York based startup known as Dataminr

What's Dataminr?

Dataminr, a real-time information discovery company, was founded in 2009 by Ted Bailey, Jeff Kinsey and Sam Hendel.

According to their website, Dataminr "instantly analyzes all public tweets and delivers the earliest warning for breaking news, real-world events, off-the-radar content and emerging trends."

While it appears that Dataminr is no stranger to Twitter's communication potential in terms of breaking news, Dataminr has announced that they are gearing up for the launch of Dataminr for News this year.

Through their partnership with Twitter and CNN, this new product has emerged as a way to provide newsrooms around the world with the technology necessary to discover news breaks on Twitter.

How Will It Work?

Dataminr has reported that Dataminr for News will use their existing algorithms to discover, categorize, and alert users as critical information surfaces in real-time.

The product can be customized to suit a user's specific demographics and areas of interest. Additionally, it will provide users with not only real-time alerts, but also analytics designed to aid information verification. 

By eliminating the need for Journalist to tediously monitor social streams, they will have more time to investigate and deliver news quickly and accurately.

Dataminr for News will be available to all news agencies globally in 2014.

For more information on how the product works, check out their press release here.

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