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Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Jul 29, 2019



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Just 16 Hilarious Tweets About the Slack Outage to Make Us All Feel Less Alone

Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Jul 29, 2019

Just 16 Hilarious Tweets About the Slack Outage to Make Us All Feel Less Alone

Hi, there. 👋

Can anyone hear me? Is anybody out there? Am I alone? Is this the beginning of my own version of The Walking Dead?

I only ask because I'm a remote worker and Slack is down:

Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 11.11.46 AM

And since my cat doesn't speak English or do anything else useful, I'm being forced to use Gchat to communicate with the outside world, like I'm some sort of frosted-tipped peasant from 2006. 

My life is a tragedy.

But since misery loves company — and I refuse to suffer alone — I am going to help soothe our internet outage-induced wounds in the only way I know how. By sharing some of my favorite tweets from this dark time.

Should I probably be working on tomorrow's issue of THE LATEST instead? Yes, but let's be honest. If an outage happens on the internet, and no one tweets about it, did it really happen?

Aw, nuts. Slack is back up. I guess I have go to do real work now. Boo.

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