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Free: Assessment Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?

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Free: Assessment

Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?
Take this free 6 question assessment and learn how your website can start living up to its potential.
Marcella Jalbert

By Marcella Jalbert

Jul 21, 2019


Web Design Infographics

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Web Design  |   Infographics

14 Case Study-Fueled Statistics & Web Design Trends of 2019  [Infographic]

Marcella Jalbert

By Marcella Jalbert

Jul 21, 2019

14 Case Study-Fueled Statistics & Web Design Trends of 2019  [Infographic]

Alright y’all 2019 is more than half over...

By now we are all well aware that basically every organization should have a website. No surprise there.

What I find people most struggle with is what should be on their website and how to actually execute it in a way that is most valuable to your users.

Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” answer to those questions.

To truly optimize your website, you’ll want to adhere with basic guidelines like proper on page SEO, load times, and general principles of user experience, but also research and test the behaviors and interactions of your specific users and the sites of your competitors.
The experience of your website and how it performs is honestly more important than how it looks. (Shocking, I know.) A good looking website that doesn’t serve its purpose or turns users off is a worthless website.

Lucky for you, you’re not in this alone. The internet is a treasure trove of research that is constantly being done on these topics

This infographic from DesignAdvisor (based on real data from case studies!) is a great place to get started.

“94% of visitors bounce from a website and stop trusting it because of a degraded web design.”

You may be thinking, “but that BOMB pizza place I always order from hasn’t updated their website in 15 years, but I still trust them.”

Yes, that is the case with many restaurants, which seem to be one of the rare breeds to escape needing an updated web presence, but let me ask you this: would an outdated website affect your impression of a dealership you were debating buying a car from? How about the business you were hiring to design a logo for you?… Of course!

In many cases, a visitor’s trust in a brand can be hurt by dated design or usability of their website.

This is especially true with big decision items. Presenting your users with an ill-thought out website leaves them wondering if that same lack of attention is present in your offerings as well.

“50% of potential sales are lost because users can't find information”

Now, this has a lot to do with site structure and navigation.

Burying important decision-making information from your users is one of the most damning mistakes you can make on your website.

When arranging your site content, think about what questions your users have in the sales process. Make sure most of those answers are easily accessible on your site; a FAQ page works great!

Trendy or Timeless?

The state of web design is constantly evolving and there really is no such thing as a timeless web design. It is crucial for your website to be constantly evolving.

Think about the websites you visit regularly. What do they look like compared to one month ago? What do they look like compared to six months ago? What do they look like compared to one year ago?

Chances are they look much different, but many of these changes may have happened gradually.

Adapting this approach allows you the opportunity to implement, observe, and reiterate. Cause what good is making updates if you don’t know if it’s actually working.

This infographic from DesignAdvisor is loaded with current trends in web design as well as some startling statistics (backed by case studies) that are enough to light a fire under anyone’s seat.



Free: Assessment

Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?
Take this free 6 question assessment and learn how your website can start living up to its potential.