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Google Calendar Is Down & Here Are 19 Relatable Tweets for These Dark Times

By Liz Murphy
Jun 18, 2019

Hi there. I don't think we've met.
My name is Liz Murphy, IMPACT's director of web and interactive content. I also help write our thrice-weekly newsletter, THE LATEST.
I'm in my mid-30s and like to think of myself a capable, independent woman.
I mean, I fixed the down spout on a gutter on my house earlier today, gosh darnit. I didn't even know what a down spout was six months ago, so I consider that to be a big deal.
However, as of about an hour ago, I find myself aimless, alone, and confused. Why? Google Calendar is down.
Fig. 1: My hopes and dreams reduced to ash.
And I don't know what I'm supposed to do or where I'm supposed to go next.
Apparently, I am not alone. Let us all grieve together.
Google calendar is down so legally time doesn't exist anymore
— Helen Rosner (@hels) June 18, 2019
When google calendar crashes at the office
— Jace Goodwin (@thejacegoodwin) June 18, 2019
Google Calendar is down and we're lost
— CNET (@CNET) June 18, 2019
Google calendar is down. We now go live to the scene:
— Katie Davis (@realsaidkatie) June 18, 2019
heres a live shot of me gleefully watching my office spiral into chaos while google calendar is down.
— james mckenna (@chillhartman) June 18, 2019
Me without Google Calendar this morning
— Dan Kenitz (@buildwithwords) June 18, 2019
Me, waiting for @Google Calendar to be back.
— Fredrick Galoso (@wayoutmind) June 18, 2019
The Google IT guy in charge of the DNS right now #googlecalendar
— Marky (@toontilley) June 18, 2019
I'll always remember the times we had, Google Calendar
— Jace Goodwin (@thejacegoodwin) June 18, 2019
Literally everyone when @googlecalendar is down:
— Vinitha Rangarajan (@Vinitha17) June 18, 2019
Well if #googlecalendar is down that means I can just go home, right?
— Beth Richardson (@just_plain_beth) June 18, 2019
.@googlecalendar is down and I had no idea how dependent I was on it until this morning.
— always a bridesmaid, never an astronaut (@librarianwho) June 18, 2019
Me right now without Google Calendar
— xtina (@i_am_xtina) June 18, 2019
Live look at @googlecalendar
— Austin (@TerraBuckTV) June 18, 2019
I don't know where I am, what I should be doing or where I should go. #googlecalendar
— Julie_R (@juliemoonshow) June 18, 2019
I think I've found the cause of the #GoogleCalendar outage!
— (((Thrill Science))) (@ThrillScience) June 18, 2019
At work and not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing right now without @googlecalendar 🤷♀️
— Natalie (@natalieponce) June 18, 2019
Going to my Google Calendar:
— Safia Alice (@safiaalice) June 18, 2019
Who am I? What year is it? #googlecalendar
— Lisette Gonzalez (@lisettedesign) June 18, 2019
I don't know what will happen next... 🎻
But please know it has been an honor to work alongside all of you. Godspeed during these dark times.
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