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Joel Waggener

By Joel Waggener

Feb 23, 2018


Social Media Marketing Web Design

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8 Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow for Design Inspiration

Joel Waggener

By Joel Waggener

Feb 23, 2018

8 Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow for Design Inspiration

Design ideas don't typically come out of nowhere—they start with an inspiration. Chances are, you're being influenced by everything you see. Whether it's an intriguing blog, an artsy magazine or even just walking down the street, good designers pull motivation from a variety of sources.

One important and effective way to find design inspiration is to follow other designers and artists whose creativity you admire. These 8 Instagram accounts will give you a great starting place to spark your creativity.

Wieden+Kennedy makes a point of creating and keeping up with the latest design trends. Their "fake" work is often more impressive than their real client work (Nike) and will make you LOL. You also get a glimpse at their amazing workspace in Portland, Oregon.  


Paul Octavious is a wonderfully innovative photographer who is always challenging himself to come up with a unique perspective. His photos come from a variety of themes, offering a fresh look at everyday items. When you're looking for high concept photography, this is a great place to start.


Kyle Wilkinson is a British designer who offers a close look at the design process, giving you insight not just into the finished product, but into everything that goes along with it. This account offers a fantastic look at how the range of effects in his designs are achieved, giving you inspiration for your own ideas.


Jon Contino shows off his amazing illustrations and hand lettering on his account. He has a unique style that has informed a whole clothing line. If you're lucky, sometimes you will see his cute kid.


Stefan Sagmeister is an interesting character. This Austrian designer goes where the wind blows him—both in life and in his creative efforts—using his travels to inform his creativity in a way that's a wonder to behold. He is not beholden to one style of design and often blurs the line between art and design.


Riley Cran is a type designer, lettering artist and graphic designer. You'll learn about the various products hand lettering can be applied to. Try not to drool with jealously.


Lauren Randolph—also known as laurenlemon—is a photographer who creates amazing compositions while traveling all over the world. Her account is a fresh, exciting look at the way color and light turn seemingly mundane situations into art.


Design Milk is an account dedicated to modern design. It provides a fascinating look at innovative design in nearly every industry, all over the world. Design Milk is your daily dose of art and design and will give you something new to explore for your next design project.


“For #webdesign inspiration, follow the designers and artists you admire on #Instagram” TWEET THIS

Looking at these accounts and others on a regular basis will increase your appreciation for all design styles. Of course, you don't want to copy them exactly. Instead, let your own creativity shine through. Who knows? One day you might find your own account on a featured list. Solid creative inspiration can be hard to come by. Following the work of other designers who are successfully creating the type of content you want to produce is a great way to spark your imagination and increase your clients' satisfaction.

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