Happy Times in Orange-town, Dope Integrators, & 2 Awesome Updates [Hubcast 243]

By Carina Duffy
Sep 26, 2019
![Happy Times in Orange-town, Dope Integrators, & 2 Awesome Updates [Hubcast 243]](https://www.impactplus.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Hubcast-243-Featured-Image.jpg?width=768&height=400&name=Hubcast-243-Featured-Image.jpg)
This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by Digital Sales and Marketing World 2020 — the only conference where marketers, sales, and leadership teams get aligned on digital and ignite true business transformation. Learn more at DigitalSalesandMarketingWorld.com.
It’s a great day in Orange-town. Specifically because of two updates that recently came out in the last week — they’ve got us feeling the good vibes about HubSpot.
Certified Dope
Ari Haas - CEO at Dijy
Dijy had a client who was moving to HubSpot Sales Pro from another CRM and needed it to integrate into their invoicing and credit card processing systems, Xero and Authorize.net, specifically. They also wanted to automate their invoicing process through HubSpot.
Sadly, HubSpot Products feature doesn’t currently integrate with Zapier, which meant they couldn’t use an out-of-the-box connector to do this. So, Ari and his team decided to build their own HubSpot connector to pass data between systems!
Previously, when a deal closed a rep had to manually input all of that data into Xero and copy and paste a bunch of information from the CRM. It was completely manual, and there was no way in the CRM to see the status of any of these invoices.
With the connector they built, when a deal moves to the processing deal stage in HubSpot, it automatically creates an invoice in Xero and makes sure the contact info, products, and pricing are all in there. Xero then pushes back custom properties to HubSpot for the invoice URL and invoice number. And guess what they do with that? Personalization tokens in automated emails telling customers about their invoices!
But wait, there’s more! Once the invoice is marked as paid, the deal automatically moves deal stages and sends another email thanking them for their payment.
This is not only a win for the client, but a win for Ari and his team around what it could look like for them to continue to build custom apps!
Ari and the Dijy team — you guys are certified dope.
What’s on Marcus’ Mind
They Ask, You Answer is more than “answering questions” — and a lot of companies, unfortunately, are doing it wrong...and have a wrong mindset.
This Episode’s Sponsor: DSMW
Digital Sales and Marketing World is just 6 months away! You can get super early bird pricing right now — $799 for All Access, and $1,099 for VIP.
Learn more and register now at DigitalSalesandMarketingWorld.com.
HubSpot wishlist: Be able to add company properties in a form
Shout out to Fadi in the HubSpot User Slack for adding this one!
“This request is so basic, it's not even and 'idea'.
Could you please enable a company property to be added in a form?
I understand the complexity behind this but you can put a disclaimer: 'if the contact has no associated company or multiple associated company, the property will not be registered or updated.'”
This is especially pertinent because you can now do this with Support Forms and Tickets!
HubSpot updates
Collect contact information without disabling cookie tracking on your forms
[You’ve just gotta read the full explanation — it’s gold!]
Learn more
Keep your database clean by creating a list of hard bouncing 'ontacts
“Now when you navigate to 'More tools' on the email dashboard in your portal, you'll see the option to 'Create and clean a list of hard bounces.' This option will pop up a module where you can choose to either create a new static list of your hard bounced contacts or add these contacts to an existing static list. You'll then be able to filter your list by specific bounce reasons, such as 'unknown user' or 'mailbox full.'
"After naming or selecting an existing static list, choosing the hard bounce reasons to include, and specifying a time period, click 'Create list.' From here, you can either delete these contacts, make a note to exclude these contacts from future sends, or keep a running report on your hard bounces over time.”
Until next time
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If you’re listening on iTunes — head on over and leave us a review! We love hearing your feedback, so feel free to leave some in the comments, or shoot me an email at cduffy@impactplus.com!
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Until next time. This is Carina Duffy & Marcus Sheridan saying to you, get out there and get after it!

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