By John Bonini
Jul 28, 2012
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Ever wonder just how valuable your Facebook following is to your business?
Us too, which is why those of us here at IMPACT were intrigued by an infographic we stumbled upon from our friends over at Kuno Creative that details all kinds of metrics related to your Facebook following.
The great thing about this infographic is how detailed and involved it is. Most people are concerned with only one thing when it comes to social media metrics: reach.
This infographic offers so much more than that. Its value is in just how in depth it gets regarding demographics and monetary value.
So without further adieu, check out the most comprehensive Facebook infographic we've seen in regards to the value of your Facebook following.
How much is yours worth?
So How Can I Increase My Facebook Following?
The question you're surely asking yourself now is, whoa, so how can I get more followers to increase the overall value?
The key is engagement.
Here at IMPACT, we're focused on posting all of our original content that we post to our blog on our Facebook wall as well, effectively sharing resourceful information with our Facebook following in an effort to foster a trusting relationship.
The key, however, is to not over-do it. Because so many people are constantly viewing their Facebook news feed, if you begin cluttering up their wall with countless posts, you're sure to lose some followers, and as a result, money.
Having trouble generating a large Facebook following? Contact IMPACT, we can help!
Be Conversational!
The key to attracting more Facebook followers while also keeping the ones you already have is the tone in which you post. Don't be overly "salesy" with your following, as it's very easy for them to click the "unlike" button.
Engage your following with some resourceful information as well as some light hearted content every once in a while. Everyone loves a good laugh, and there's no better way of getting some shares on Facebook than by creating entertaining, funny, shareable content.
So start engaging with your following more. Answer their questions. Ask some of your own. They key here is communication, and as long as you keep an open line with them, you'll be thanked by new followers. Oh yeah, and 50 cents extra in your pocket. Not much I know, but when your Facebook following starts climbing into the thousands, the value of your account will increase as well.
Having trouble finding the time to engage a profitable social media following? Give us a call here at IMPACT and learn how we can help!
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