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IMPACT Live Group

Register for IMPACT Live in Hartford CT, October 14-16!

Register for the one and only They Ask, You Answer conference before rates go up July 31! Save $200 now.
Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jan 9, 2020


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Thanks, stay tuned for our upcoming edition.

Making it work with ROI reporting, personalization tokens in Playbooks, and more user permissions [Hubcast 256]

Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jan 9, 2020

Making it work with ROI reporting, personalization tokens in Playbooks, and more user permissions [Hubcast 256]

We’re back ya’ll and it’s 2020!

We’ve started to record some of our special series of interviews with HubSpotters and could not be more excited!

Here are a few that are on the docket: Content Strategy with Justin Champion, Your Flywheel with Tammy Duggan-Herd, Reporting with Meaghan Griffith, and Service Hub with Dave Barron. Woo!


Certified Dope: Circle Furniture

Making it work with ROI reporting

If you remember my IMPACT Live talk from this year, the first quality of dope HubSpotters is the ability to prove it — “it” being the returns on your marketing investment.

This is true even for (especially for!) marketers whose sales team isn’t tracking revenue in the CRM. And there are actually a lot of different ways to do this!

This week we’re looking at another way a company — Circle Furniture out of Massachusetts — is doing it. They’re a brick-and-mortar and online furniture retailer whose revenue-tracking is done outside of HubSpot, and they’re not in a place to start using the sales tools.

However, for a number of months they’ve been importing new customers every single week, with contact information, and the Last Sale Amount for that person, just as a way to go back and reference customer info in HubSpot.

With HubSpot’s custom report builder, they were recently able to take that Last Sale Amount property and start to create ROI reports like Total Last Sale Amount by Source, showing them that Organic Search was far outperforming all other sources.

Side note: They’ve been implementing the They Ask, You Answer methodology for about two years now, and this is an amazing way to look at results from their content efforts!

Eric, Richard, and team at Circle Furniture — you guys are Certified Dope!


What’s on Marcus’ mind

The willingness to turn people off...

HubSpot wishlist: Add personalization tokens to Playbooks

“When a rep is using a playbook, we would love to be able to drop personalization tokens into that playbook that show form submission answers right in the playbook itself.

Right now they have to look through the contact record to the form submission - would be much easier if it could just be right in the playbook for them when they attach it!”

Vote it Up!

This one’s from yours truly! We shared a few episodes ago about setting up some fun automation for IMPACT’s business development team, and this came up as a next step for improving our process.             

HubSpot updates

Two-way contact sync between HubSpot and Shopify

“With today’s update, you now have the ability to set up an automatic two-way contact sync between HubSpot and Shopify that requires no extra manual steps from you -- easy as pie.

That two-way sync sends updates you make in HubSpot back to Shopify for the following fields:

  • Accepts marketing
  • Accepts marketing updated at
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Address
  • Default address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Tax exempt”

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Note: you have the option to have this on or off!

Ensure correct access by adding users to multiple teams

“Two technical notes:

  • Each user can have up to five additional teams in addition to their primary team.
  • Being a member of an additional team gives a user access to the set of assets/records owned by or assigned to that team. Note that it does not make them eligible to be included in reports (e.g. deal attribution), routing (e.g. lead rotation), or notifications (e.g. send to all members of a team).”

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[Now Live] Caller ID for iOS and an improved caller ID for Android

“Depending on what device you have, Caller ID will function slightly differently due to platform limitations.


On iOS, once you update to the latest version of the App, you will see the option to enable Caller ID in the Settings screen (within the More tab). You can find more details on how to enable Caller ID on iOS here.

Once enabled, any call you receive that matches a phone number in your HubSpot CRM, the dialer will show the First Name, Last Name, and Company Name (see screenshot). No more saving contacts to your address book!

Additionally, you will also see this information in your iPhone Call Log.


On Android, once you update to the latest version of the App, the existing Caller ID feature will be upgraded as well. You can find more details on how to enable Caller ID on Android here. Make sure you go into your settings and enable the feature.

We have updated Caller ID with some new exciting features:

  • Any call you receive that matches a phone number in your HubSpot CRM, the dialer will show the First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Deal Name and Amount associated with it.
  • HubSpot Caller ID now appears instantaneously when you receive an incoming call, leveraging the HubSpot Apps latest caching technology.
  • If you miss a call, the Mobile App will generate a notification from which you can view the contact or call them back.
  • After receiving a call, the Mobile App will show the Call Outcome screen so you can quickly log notes, create follow-up Tasks and set outcome.”

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The Links Tool is going away on January 10

“Currently, the tool has relatively low usage. We've decided to remove links so we can focus on tools that provide more value to our customers.

If you're looking to gather data on your inbound links, we recommend leveraging Google Search Console. Google Search Console will show you who is linking to your website, what content on your site is receiving the most backlinks, and more.

If you'd like to collect information on what keywords your pages rank for, how often your content appear in search results, and how many users click on your content, you can integrate Google Search Console directly with HubSpot's SEO tools.”


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This seems to be a logical progression based on the Keywords tool getting sunsetted.

Most people are using tools like Google Search Console to get this information, and like they mention in the update, the Links tool has super low usage anyway.

Until next time

Interested in sponsoring the Hubcast? Head on over to the Advertise with IMPACT page to learn more!

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If you’re listening on iTunes - head on over and leave us a review! We love hearing your feedback, so feel free to leave some in the comments, or shoot me an email at!

Until next time. This is Carina Duffy & Marcus Sheridan saying to you, get out there and get after it!

IMPACT Live Group

Register for IMPACT Live in Hartford CT, October 14-16!

Register for the one and only They Ask, You Answer conference before rates go up July 31! Save $200 now.