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Karisa Hamdi

By Karisa Hamdi

Oct 25, 2019


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Snapchat’s new Dynamic Ads feature will streamline ad creation

Karisa Hamdi

By Karisa Hamdi

Oct 25, 2019

Snapchat’s new Dynamic Ads feature will streamline ad creation

Late last week Snapchat introduced Dynamic Ads, which it claims is “one of the most impactful updates of the year for e-commerce.” The company explained that, over the past couple of years, it’s been focused heavily on creating smart solutions for marketers to really drive their business, and that this new addition will greatly increase what advertisers can accomplish on Snapchat.

How Dynamic Ads work

Snapchat's Dynamic Ads let marketers automate their ads by looking at their product images and information uploaded to the app.

In order to get started with this first step you need to upload your product catalog to Snapchat via their Ads Manager. Once Snapchat has all of that information, you will then be able to utilize the imagery and product descriptions from your catalog to use these new templates to create different variations of vertical Snap ads.

The image below shows how one image with product information can be used to create five different ads:

After you select your images and descriptions within the Ads Manager, you’ll then be able to select the audience to deliver your ads in real-time. It’s as simple as that! You won’t have to do any creative or design work to build the ads — Snapchat does it all for you.

But, you do have to think about what audience should you target.

When you’re advertising on Snapchat you have access to 190 million users a day, with 90% of those users being between the ages of 13-24 years old, making it a great platform if you’re looking to target teens and young adults.

In Snapchat you’ll build your custom audience with a couple of different options from Snap Audience Match, which is built from your customer lists and data from companies like Nielson and Oracle, which gives you a highly targeted group based on past buying patterns.

Once you build your audience, Snapchat will take your dynamic ads and deliver one of the five ads to those selected users, hopefully getting you purchases on your products.

Is Snapchat advertising right for me?

If you’re looking to venture into the world of Snapchat advertising, now may be the best time. With this new feature you’re able to save time and money on creating ads.

With the new templates, it requires minimal effort and design skills, since the app takes your selected photo and description and automatically puts them into whatever ad template you select.

You will also be taking time out of manual ad updates because Snapchat’s system will adjust the ad according to product changes, like a lower price or inventory availability. This creates more relevant ads without the hassle since you don’t have to go in and make any product adjustments within the ad itself — just within your product catalog.

Luckily you have a little bit of time to plan out your Snapchat Dynamic Ads — or determine if they're a fit for you. The beta version will be released in the next couple of weeks for the US market, and it will be available for other regions in the months following.

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