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Joe Rinaldi

By Joe Rinaldi

May 9, 2017


Web Design Infographics Email Marketing

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The Top Email Design Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2017 [Infographic]

Joe Rinaldi

By Joe Rinaldi

May 9, 2017

The Top Email Design Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2017 [Infographic]

Building a successful inbound marketing strategy requires the right set of tools.  

If we were to take a look at everything in our inbound marketing toolbox, email marketing would be like the hammer. It’s a staple for most jobs that’s been around for decades and it has remained largely unchanged.

Unlike a hammer, however, over the last few years, new trends and technologies have fueled major advancements in email marketing.

We’ve seen email adopt the responsive design mindset and marketers have become more focused on creating segmented lists, personalization, and sophisticated email campaigns.

New technologies have also given marketers the ability to explore more dynamic content and customized layouts that are both visually engaging and interactive.

With so many frequent changes happening in the email marketing world, it can be tough to stay up-to-date. To help you stay ahead of the curve Email Monks, an email design and development company, created an infographic of the top trends for 2017.

Some of the highlights include:

  • The use of GIFs. Marketers will continue to use GIFs in emails. This is a trend that gained popularity in 2016 and will most likely continue to grow in 2017. GIFs are a fun way to grab attention without being resource heavy like a video.
  • Flat Design in Emails. Flat design in email is used to maintain continuity with the recent UI changes in both android and iOS devices.
  • Minimalist Email Design. Platforms such as Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram have made people accustomed to absorbing bite-sized pieces of information without having to sort through unnecessary clutter. This gave rise to the minimalistic design trend. Minimalistic design makes it easy for users to be wowed as soon as an email is opened.
  • Increased Dynamic Content in Emails. The use of content that changes based on the recipient of the email will grow as brands strive for higher personalization and a better experience for readers.
  • Search in Emails. Email subscribers will be able to search for what they want in an email without having to visit the sender's website first.

Check out a preview of the infographic below (click here to see the full size in action) and let us know your thoughts on these trends in the comments!


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