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Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Nov 13, 2013


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3 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page

Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Nov 13, 2013

3 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page

259 million users.

184 million monthly unique visitors.

3 million Company Pages infiltrated by 1.2 million products and services. (Source: Expanded Ramblings)

Is your company making the most of all of this?

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network, designed to help users build and maintain a credible identity in a professional online setting.

While many companies have acquired LinkedIn profiles as part of their social networking strategy, there is a chance they may be mismanaging their accounts, and ultimately missing out on opportunities and connections.

To ensure that your company garners the results and recognition it deserves, take note of these three tips for optimizing your LinkedIn Company Page:

Let's Get Visual

Brand loyalty is established when a customer recognizes a company's strong, uniform marketing approach, and in turn, invests their trust in the product or service.

Practicing brand consistency across all media outlets is necessary if your company wishes to establish stable roots with a particular buyer persona. Showcasing your commitment to the customer, as well as your branding will help to lay the foundation for the quality of your customer service.

By implementing an attractive, consistent profile image and banner on LinkedIn, you can set an appropriate tone for your company.

While most company's stick with a clean, simple thumbnail of their logo for the profile image, the banner image opens up the door for a touch of personality.

Considering the default tab for the Company Page directs users to the Homepage, the banner image is a simple way to tell your company's story, and hook a visitor.

Before you go dragging your Facebook Cover Photo over to LinkedIn, keep in mind that these images should be 646 x 220. Be sure to adjust the size of your image to avoid distortion, or create a new visual, unique to this platform.

Here you can see how Apple made use of their LinkedIn banner image:

LinkedIn Company Page

This image speaks directly to the customer, highlighting their commitment to customer satisfaction.

The banner is high quality, simplistic, and adheres to a branding style that their customers can identify as unique to them.

Do More Than Scratch the Surface

Although it is only offered as a paid feature on LinkedIn, the Careers Page provides companies with a place to illustrate their culture, while attracting new talent.

By implementing a Careers Page, you can easily establish an employer social media presence by using images, videos, and testimonials to tell your company's story, and encourage potential applicants to follow your page for updates and listings.

Here is an example of what we mean by "tell your company's story":

About HubSpot:

"Walk around our office and you’ll see lots of unique things: a fridge stocked with free beer and snacks, ping pong and foosball tables, co-workers choreographing a flash mob. Flexible hours, unlimited vacation time, stock options, and tuition reimbursement that kick in on day one create an environment that balances freedom with accountability to an unprecedented degree. If you enjoy an unstructured, fast-paced environment where the only limit to your growth is your own capabilities, join us!"

Free beer? Unlimited vacation days? Tuition reimbursement?

HubSpot's Careers Page does much more than just scratch the surface of who they are.

Their charismatic office description and video invite potential employees into their world by exploring the innovative details that compile their work environment.

With new employees comes new ideas, seasoned perspectives, and an opportunity to take your company to the next level.

By highlighting the value of your company on your Careers Page, you can more effectively attract the type of talent you want.

Just Keep Linking

The Products Page on LinkedIn allows companies to include their products or services, along with a description of their unique worth.

On this page, you can utilize links to landing pages to direct traffic to your offers, opening up an opportunity to expand your reach.

Speaking of expanding your reach, the Products Page allows you to ask and encourage your customers to "recommend" your product or service. All they have to do is click the recommend button underneath the product or service description, and customize a recommendation.

Here at IMPACT Branding and Design, this is how we approached the opportunity to feature our offers:

LinkedIn Company Page

By posting all of our new offers to the Products Page, we make it easy for visitors to download and access our eBooks and How-to Handbooks, or request an assessment.

When a lead generation opportunity arises, seize it.

In a study of over 5,000 businesses, LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%, almost 3 times higher (277%) than both Twitter (.69%) and Facebook (.77%). (Source: Hubspot)

LinkedIn is a hotspot for visitor-to-lead conversion, so don't be shy about linking your landing pages, or other alternative webpages that contain value.

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