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Carolyn Edgecomb

By Carolyn Edgecomb

Sep 7, 2017


Marketing Strategy
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5 Amazing Article Sharing Sites That Boost Reputation

Carolyn Edgecomb

By Carolyn Edgecomb

Sep 7, 2017

5 Amazing Article Sharing Sites That Boost Reputation

With thousands of articles available on the Internet, creating quality content is essential and getting it in front of as many people as possible is key.

While the Internet has made it extremely easy for companies to create and publish quality content, it has also made it easier to share content with your friends, peers, or followers.

Sharing useful content is extremely valuable even if it’s not your own. Sharing other’s content shows that you are helpful and knowledge of your industry, while promoting and distributing your own content, can help you spread the reach of all your hard work, turning it into new traffic to your website, new followers, or even customers.  

With that said, here are a few tools you can use to promote your content to a much larger audience.


It’s not only important to share your content but to share content created by influencers in your industry. I know, I know. This can make some marketers nervous. Why would I want to promote my competitors or send people off my site? But fact is, this kind of selfless sharing builds trust. It shows that you respect and value quality insight even if it isn’t from (or about) you.

Plus, thanks to tools like, you share external content, while still driving traffic or leads to your own site. is a tool that allows you to add an on-page call-to-action (CTA) back to your website (or wherever you please) to every link you share.

You are even allowed to customize different elements of the  CTA including button color, button text, text color, or its location on the page.   You can even add a photo so that it appears the link came recommended via a personal chat. is a great tool for sharing content that’s similar to yours.

I don’t recommend creating snips for every blog post you’ve ever written, but rather your premium content, giving you the chance to turn that already active reader into a lead.

Here’s an example of how can look to the page visitor: isn’t free, but if this something you’re interested in trying they do offer a free trial, and you can check them out here.

Don’t have enough money in your marketing budget? A great alternative is Smol, which offers a free account if you’re going to generate less than 1000 clicks per month. Despite a couple backend differences, the tools are almost identical.

Here’s an example of how Smol can look to the page visitor:


As a content curation platform, Scoop helps you increase the visibility of your best content by featuring your articles in curated content hubs that are geared towards specific topics.

Getting started is simple. Once you’ve created your account, narrow your niche and search for pages that have curated content similar to what you're producing. To ensure you’re content is being seen, you’ll want to select pages that have at least 5K monthly views and are regularly updated.

Since this is a platform where the owner of the pages have to approve the content that is being curated, it’s important to only include content that’s relevant to that page and will actually resonate with that audience. Besides, you don’t want your content to get rejected.

Once your content is approved, you’ll have a link that will bring targeted and engaged traffic back to your blog or premium content.

3. Outbrain

Outbrain is a useful tool for getting seen on more established, authoritative sites.  Premium sites your content could be featured on include CNN, People, ESPN, and Mashable to name a few.

Unlike some of the other tools mentioned above, Outbrain using a PPC model, so you only pay when someone actually clicks on your content.

All you need to do is submit your content and identify how much you’re willing to pay per click, your daily budget, and how long you want it to run.

You also have the ability to target who uses your content by location as well as what platforms your content is displayed on.

4. Taboola

Similar to Outbrain, Taboola is a content discovery platform that helps marketers get featured on top publisher websites, within a widget that can be not only be placed within the publishers feed of content but also at the top, bottom, or side of content articles.

Here’s a look at how Billboard uses Taboola to highlight suggested articles you might want to read next.

Taboola is powered by an advanced predictive engine that analyzes hundreds of real-time signals (including geography, context, device, social media trends, and more), in order to create a match between the content and the audience most likely to engage with it. So, in the end, they have targeting options that allow you to segment your audience based on their location as well as the device type.

Another feature recently launched for Publishers is Taboola Feed, a  continuous-scrolling feed that keeps readers on your site longer by allowing users to uncover more related videos, articles, products, and more simply by scrolling.

<iframe width="560" height="315" class="lazy" data-src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

5. Quora

Quora is a content promotion and brand awareness channel we tested earlier this year as a tactic to help us increase traffic and conversions rates, by answering evergreen questions with content we’ve already created on our blog.

And as a marketer, Quora allows you to gain access to their 700,000+ monthly visitors while building exposure and authority in your areas of expertise.

This tool will allow you to teach your audience and make them more knowledgeable about your industry as well as your product or service.

To make the most of Quora, the main areas you’ll want to focus on is asking questions, finding relevant and evergreen questions you should answer and then answering those questions.

We detailed this process in our article here, but here are the Cliff Notes:

How to Find The Right Quora Questions to Answer

if you’re looking to answer questions about inbound marketing, you’ll want to search for that term in the query bar and then select the topic when it appears.

When you’re in the feed to that topic, select Topic FAQ (frequently asked questions). This will give you the top questions that are being asked within that subject.

This will give you a smart jumping off point.

Another way you can find relevant questions is by typing your keyword into the query box and selecting search. Then filter those results based on questions that have been submitted within the month.

How to Answer Questions on Quora

The quickest and easiest way for you to answer questions is by utilizing the content you and your team has already created.

Don’t be afraid to pull content directly from your blog posts.

Since you want to bring visitors back to your website, don’t post the entire article. You’ll want to use large snippets that answer the question and then include a link back to the full article on your site.

What Content Promotion Tools Have You Used?

Those are just some of the tools we use for our marketing as well as for our clients. I’d love to know what article sharing sites you’re using to promote and distribute your content.

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