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Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Jan 2, 2018


Creator's Block Women in Marketing

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"Not Your Mother's New Year's Resolutions" (Creator's Block, Ep. 55)

Liz Murphy

By Liz Murphy

Jan 2, 2018

"Not Your Mother's New Year's Resolutions" (Creator's Block, Ep. 55)

This time of year is always full of reflection. And looking back, 2017 has been an... interesting year for Jessie-Lee, Marcella, and myself.

It's been full of amazing client work and big wins, as well as broken expectations and massive life changesIn short, a lot has happened. 

But when we scoped out our annual New Year's episode, I wanted us to move beyond the usual, “Okay, this is what I want to do next year,” or “I know I need to work out or become a morning person, blah blah blah.”

Those are the empty, cyclical conversations we all engage in, year after year. Then we commit to the same hollow resolutions -- eat less, do more, etc. -- with the built-in expectation that these new habits would be effectively shelved by March.

Instead, I challenged us as a group to be honest about where we started this year and where we are now, and how much of that aligned with our expectations, exceeded them, or completely fell short.

Because while we should look at the milestone of a new year as an opportunity to evaluate where we want to go, you can only do that if you are willing to have a candid discussion with yourself about where you've been, what you've done, and what needs to change.


Listen to the Episode

What We Talked About

  • What we consider our biggest accomplishments of 2017. 
  • Jessie-Lee's first year as a working mother. 
  • How podcasting has impacted Marcella in other areas of her life. 
  • The importance of emotional resilience in the face of change. 
  • Our biggest failures in 2017.
  • What we know needs to change in the coming year.
  • What we hope we'll accomplish or achieve in 2018.

Resources We Discussed

  • CONNECT (Marcella's a capella group & this week's theme song)

We Want to Hear from You!

First, subscribe to Creator's Block on Apple Podcasts. Second, have a question or an idea for a future episode of the podcast? Let us know! 

Or, you can leave us a comment below! Until next week...

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