Welcome back to The Hubcast folks, a weekly podcast all about HubSpot news, tips, and tricks. Please also note the extensive show notes below including some new HubSpot video tutorials created by George Thomas.
Show Notes:
Inbound 2015 News
Omni Parker House - Hubcast Fireside Chat
As one of Boston’s historic cornerstones, Omni Parker House displays a character as storied and unique as the town itself. With classic style, modern amenities and personalized service, we offer one of the finest experiences in the country for leisure and business travelers alike. The Sales Lion team hopes that all #hubcasters that are planning to attend Inbound15 will join us at this hotel. You can make your reservations here.
HubSpot Strategy
In this weeks strategy section we talk about why C students are crushing A students at Inbound & Content Marketing. Marcus and George talk about the blog article and what this statement means to both of them.
HubSpot Tips & Tricks
New HubSpot CRM features
Hubspot released a couple new features to the HubSpot CRM that we wanted to get out to the Hubcast community. There are 4 HubSpot CRM tutorials for this weeks HubSpot tips and tricks section. Enjoy!
- Save prospect filters for later
- Speed up prospecting with HubSpot CRM
- Private & Public Email Templates
- Clone & Manage Email Templates
HubSpot Wishlist
Add a "Tweet Later" Option to Retweets
Under Social Media Monitoring, after clicking on Retweet, whether I choose to do a Retweet or a Quoted Retweet, "Retweet Now" is the only option that currently exists. I'd like the option to Schedule the retweet at a later time. Instead of retweeting it right away. This option would add the retweet to my calendar at a date/time of my choosing.
If you're looking for another tool to provide an example of this functionality, you'll find it in Buffer... When you click on retweet, you can retweet it immediately or "Add to Buffer".
Thank you Doyle Slayton for this great HubSpot wishlist item.
HubSpot Updates
Tally to be Sunsetted on March 31st
In September, HubSpot introduced Tally as a beta app designed to help companies get customer feedback. The goal was to try it out with our customer audience to see if it would gain traction and what use cases would evolve. While there was an affinity for the app, ultimately Tally hasn't had enough of an impact for HubSpot to turn the beta into a wider release.
Tally will be sunsetted as a publicly available app on March 31st.
One of the things we believe as a business is that you can't be afraid to experiment with products that could make your customers lives better, and you have to listen to your customer base when it comes to decisions about those products. In the case of Tally, usage and feedback indicated that it wasn't making the impact needed to move out of beta.
As a user you don't need to do a thing. All of the data from your past Tally submissions will remain in your contact database. In addition, you can export it at any time.
For those who would like to continue using a feedback app, HubSpot suggests researching:
Knowledge and Academy Websites to Merge
Next week, knowledge.hubspot.com and academy.hubspot.com will merge into one resource. The merged resource will be the one-stop-shop for all of the trainings, user guides, and learning materials needed to succeed on HubSpot. Both URLs will redirect to this new page. Our hope is that combining these assets will reduce confusion by creating a single point of access and unified search for all resources.
What's changing?
The new resource site (pictured below) will adapt the style of the current Academy domain. New elements include:
- An updated navigation with all customer resources in one place.
- A search function that now pulls from user guides, academy videos, academy blog content, design resources and developer documentation.
No resources have been removed.
The New Navigation
The new navigation is pictured below.
- Read Docs will contain quick answers, user guides, designer and developer documentation.
- Watch Training will contain video training, broadcasts and in-person training
- Do Projects will take you to step-by-step guides of how to use multiple HubSpot tools to achieve a goal.
- Get Certified will take you to the HubSpot certifications page.
- View Examples brings you to the academy blog, marketing examples and HubSpot User Groups
Where do I find...?
- The Developers Site: https://developers.hubspot.com/ or by clicking on "Developer Docs" in the "Read Docs" Menu
- The Designers Site: https://designers.hubspot.com or by clicking on "Designer Docs" in the "Read Docs" Menu
- Broadcasts: You'll find broadcasts beneath the "View Training" Menu
User Groups (HUGs): You'll find user groups under the "View Examples" Menu
Cool HubSpot & Inbound Tweets
Look what I got from @GeorgeBThomas and @TheSalesLion! Thanks, guys!! #hubcast pic.twitter.com/7nOATsTDEP
— Colin Haas (@colinmhaas) March 9, 2015
This is what I call hustle. Someone give Stephen from McGill a job! Cc @Communitech #HubSpotting pic.twitter.com/qCIcyVJQtM — Kayleigh Platz (@write_girl) March 4, 2015
Ask The Hubcast
Debbie Asks: How important is it to write down my inbound or content marketing strategy?
WOW Event 2015 - Richmond Virginia June 3rd
The biggest issue in the inbound and content marketing space is that of getting buy-in from an entire organization. Most often, the marketing department has a vision that management, sales, and other departments simply don’t see nor understand. And when it comes to marketing companies having successful inbound/content retainer clients, the problem is only compounded.
For over 4 years, we at The Sales Lion have been giving Content Marketing Workshops literally around the globe. During this time, we’ve experienced exceptional success, and now we want other marketing agencies, consultants, and even CMOs to understand how to give a world-class workshop to their clients so as to get the buy-in, vision, and results everyone is seeking. Specifically, the WOW event will help you if … Check out the WOWEvent page for more details.
Where else can you find the Hubcast Podcast?

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