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Tweeting Can Now Keep Your Favorite Show On the Air

Oct 8, 2013

Does anyone remember the TV show Jericho? It aired on CBS in 2006. Unfortunately, after the first season, the show was canceled leaving many people outraged with the decision.
So in return, the viewers pooled together over 40,000 pounds of peanuts to send to the network executives of CBS. After receiving about 8 million peanuts, CBS decided to renew Jericho for one more season.
The Nielsen ratings were not able to keep this show on TV but 40,000 pounds of peanuts were. Hmmm, the power of peanuts.
Now there is an easier way to get your show back for another season. Instead of sending large amounts of peanuts, just tweet about it.
Recently, Nielsen has partnered with Twitter to come up with a new ratings system. On Monday networks were able to see how many people viewed their TV shows by using Twitter statistics.
Tweeting to Save Your Favorite Show
Nielsen's Twitter TV Ratings
Is a certain TV show as popular or unpopular as a network might think? It might be hard to tell, but Twitter might just save your favorite TV show.
So, how does this work? It's fairly simple, all CBS or any other major TV network has to do is calculate the number of users that tweeted about the show and the amount of users who viewed those tweets. Giving them an accurate estimate of how many people viewed the show.
Also, networks are able to see what the users are saying about the show. This will indicate if the majority of the tweets are positive or negative. They believe that the Nielsen Twitter Rating System will eventually be the go to spot to retrieve TV show data.
It makes sense for Nielsen to collaborate with Twitter because of how active Twitter users are with TV shows.
Recently I was unable to watch the Breaking Bad season finale. It might seem a little bit dramatic, but I deleted the Twitter app off of my phone so someone wouldn't spoil it for me. According to Mashable there were 1.2 million tweets about Breaking Bad during the week of Sept. 23, and they reached out to nearly 9.3 million Twitter users.
This new rating system can also be beneficial to networks because they are getting real-time information about their show. Viewers are tweeting about the show while it is going on.
Some users don't watch the show live and instead watch it later on their computer or tablet. Twitter can help get the stats from those people that the original Nielsen ratings might have missed.
The only problem with this new system is that not everyone watching TV shows has a Twitter. Also, not everyone that has a Twitter tweets about the show they are watching.
Using Social Platforms as Resources
Social Platforms are the foundation for the social communities we immerse ourselves in. These platforms are quickly growing and are becoming a very effective way to connect with your audiences.
Since certain platforms like Twitter and Facebook are so popular they have become vital ways to reach your consumers.
For television networks, Twitter is giving them a new spin on statistics they have been receiving for decades. These platforms are providing companies with quicker more efficient ways to connect with their audiences.
Consumers are so engaged with social media that traditional methods of marketing might not reach consumers anymore. You need to go where they are spending a majority their time, which just happens to be on social platforms.
Not only can you get numbers from social media but you can see what people are saying about your company. This is a fast easy way to see the image of your company. If you are running a new product or campaign you can get real-time feedback from the users.
Develop lasting relationships through these platforms, and consistently keep the consumer engaged.

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