By Joe Rinaldi
Aug 23, 2016
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Whether you’re a CRO newbie or a battle-hardened vet, the world of conversion rate optimization can be a scary place to journey. It’s a complex field with hundreds of different variables (friction, UX, and the user's intent; just to name a few) that can unexpectedly throw a wrench into any test.
Luckily there are plenty of powerful resources out there to help you navigate CRO’s windy roads while on your journey to the perfect conversion rate. CRO pro Neil Patel created the infographic “The Perfect Execution to Conversion Rate Optimization” to help people better understand the CRO process and decide what tests are right for you.
He lays out the fundamentals of a solid CRO campaign and explains how to get your journey started on the right foot.
Here are a few highlights from the infographic:
- “Conversion rate optimization is more than just simply A/B testing the color of CTA buttons, different headliners, and forms. In fact, only 1 in 7 A/B test campaigns produces a statistically significant improvement.”
- More than 70% of tests take less than 5 hours from ideation to execution
- When a test is successful the average amount of increase in conversion rate is 49%
- The average revenue/visitor for e-commerce site is about $3 and a successful A/B test can boost it up to 50%
Check out the infographic below to get a full breakdown of what CRO really is with tips and stats to help approach it correctly.
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