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Free: Assessment Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?

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Free: Assessment

Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?
Take this free 6 question assessment and learn how your website can start living up to its potential.
Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jan 20, 2016


Web Design Website Copy

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10 Common Website Mistakes (& The Resources to Fix Them Right Now)

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jan 20, 2016

10 Common Website Mistakes (& The Resources to Fix Them Right Now)

common-website-mistakes.jpgThis month our live website critique, Website Throwdown, turns one and like any proud parents, we’re celebrating!

Through this little-broadcast-that-could, we have seen nearly 300 websites from across the globe and welcomed some of the industry’s biggest influencers to help us tear as many apart as possible.

The feedback on viewer’s marketing and design has been direct, educational, and most importantly, honest, and we can’t say thank you enough to everyone who has joined us for the ride so far.

Past Guests on IMPACT's Website ThrowdownPast Website Throwdown Guests

In honor of this exciting landmark, we joined forces with our friend Jeffrey Vocell, Principal Product Manager at HubSpot to bring you “Website Throwdown Roundup,” a one-hour webinar, sharing 10 of the most common website mistakes we’ve encountered over the past 12 months and how to rectify them.

In this article, you’ll find a breakdown of all the mistakes we covered in the broadcast (see recording above), our main talking points, as well as a variety of online resources to help you fix those you’re guilty of before anyone notices. (Don’t worry, we all have at least one.) 

Use them to get your website into tip-top shape, then submit it to our next Website Throwdown to hear what our marketing pros have to say!

Mistake #1: Stock Photo Abuse and Misuse

Everyone uses stock photography, but not everyone uses it well. Brands should always strive to use original photography and graphics when possible, but when you can’t, use these tips to select stock options:

  • Align photos with your persona & brand
  • Look for candids - Photos where people look directly at the camera are unnatural.
  • Avoid cliches
  • Edit them - Use image filters and crops
  • Try unusual sources like Unsplash (and always consider legal attribution) 

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #2: No Clear Value Proposition

Within seconds of landing on your site, your visitor should understand what you’re selling, what’s the benefit, who it’s for, and why you’re different thanks to a clear value proposition. 

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #3: Disconnect Between Imagery and Messaging 

Whether it’s your hero image, icons, or blog featured images, imagery should aid the goal/message of your written content and resonate with your buyer persona. 

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #4: Buzzword Abuse

When words are used too frequently they lose all meaning. In line with this idea, buzzwords add no value or credibility to your content. Opt for words that your buyer persona actually uses and understands.

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #5: Non-Responsive/Incompatible Websites

Visitors aren’t accessing your website from just one place. They’re coming from different browsers, locations, operating systems, and devices. Your website should be prepared to deliver the same experience across all of these platforms.

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #6: No Clear Path to Conversion

A page without a CTA or form is a dead-end. Consider how visitors are flowing through your website and becoming customers and make sure that clear conversion points are available at all suitable times. 

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #7: Inconsistent Branding

Establish a brand and maintain it across everything you do. When people arrive on one of your landing pages, blogs, etc. it should look like it belongs to your site and company. This consistency helps build trust, credibility, and a sense of professionalism. 

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #8: Missed SEO Opportunities

On-page SEO is essential to getting your website found by new audiences via search engines. 

Helpful Resources:

Mistake #9: Ignoring the Buyer’s Journey

The Buyer’s Journey is the natural research process a potential buyer goes through leading up to a purchase. If your website jumps straight to closing the sale, you will be ignoring the needs of up to 96% of your audience. 

Helpful Resources

Mistake #10 Poor Content Optimization/Personalization

Your content should help funnel visitors through the buyer’s journey, not make them exit it. As a marketer, you should strive to cater your content to each visitor through segmentation and personalization. 

Helpful Resources:

How Does Your Website Stack Up?

If your website is suffering from more than one of these mistakes, you're not alone. We've helped dozens of clients revive their inbound marketing and websites and we'd love to help do the same for you.

Click the button below to learn more about our award-winning website redesigns on the HubSpot Website Platform. 


Free: Assessment

Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?
Take this free 6 question assessment and learn how your website can start living up to its potential.