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Bobby Kane

By Bobby Kane

Aug 9, 2012


Marketing Statistics

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Marketing Statistics

IMPACT's First 25 Inbound Marketing Stats All Marketers Should Know

Bobby Kane

By Bobby Kane

Aug 9, 2012

IMPACT's First 25 Inbound Marketing Stats All Marketers Should Know


Way back in early 2012, when the cold winter months had yet to yield to a warm, promising Spring, the staff here at IMPACT brainstormed a great idea. We would compile a list of the top 100 inbound marketing stats in an effort to inform and educate fellow marketers everywhere.

Not only that, we do it visually!

This series of stats was created for ALL marketers and focuses on the benefits of inbound marketing. From lead generation to email marketing, these inbound marketing stats will show you how and why inbound marketing is the new avenue for generating targeted leads on a consistent basis.

Each one of these inbound marketing stats will guide you through all of the real possibilities that come with implementing an inbound marketing plan.

Without further adieu, here are the first 25 "Top 100 Marketing Stats All Marketers Should Know."

Be sure to follow us on Facebook to receive the new stat every day.

And Now, the Inbound Marketing Stats We Promised...

100 Marketing Stats All Marketers Should Know - 1/100

One of the most important factors of inbound marketing is lead nurturing. Don't forget it!

100 Stats All Marketer Should Know – 2/100

Picking up leads from your blog articles or emails costs less, period.

100 Stats All Marketer Should Know – 3/100

Search engine rankings are often heavily controlled by publishing fresh, remarkable content.

100 Stats All Marketer Should Know – 4/100

Back to lead nurturing, it's critical!

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 5/100

Those of us at @impactbnd will vouch for this stat...

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 6/100

Would't you like to spend less money and get more leads??

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 7/100

90% is... well, a lot! My first step to researching any product or service is to search online. I have my go-to trusted sites, and they're here to stay.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 8/100

Our friend over at Channel 4 News, Brian Fantana, took a different approach to this inbound marketing stat...

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 9/100

I'm sure the majority of you reading have heard of HubSpot, and there's a reason for that!

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 10/100

Goes to show you these stats don't lie. Inbound marketing has become a staple in businesses all over the world, and they're sticking with it.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 11/100

Good thing I'm a sucker for Twitter, heh? (@bobbyjkane) ;)

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 12/100

6-9 months for a 10% increase ( ↑) in revenue? Yes, you'll be glad to take that home.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 13/100

Let's do a quick poll: Would you rather have 10 qualified leads, or 40 qualified leads? Tell us by clicking here!

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 14/100

Which means? Push them down your sales funnel in a timely and appropriate manner. How? Learn all about lead nurturing.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 15/100

Ebooks, webinars, and KITS! Pretty simple, right? More bang for your buck (email address).

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 16/100

Repeat traffic is great, don't get us wrong, but it's the unique visitors that really grow and emerge your business online.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 17/100

Completing the 'loop' will greatly benefit your actions in the future. Looks like Campaign #2 will get some more attention from us!

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 18/100

Another 10,000 websites were JUST created while you are reading this post. Yeah, it's getting tougher these days. How are you going to cope with it?

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 19/100

Makes sense, right? People are on
LinkedIn to make connections, network, find job opportunities, and reliable, trustworthy companies to work with.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 20/100

How about 100% of leads be qualified? That'd be better.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 21/100

The Most Interesting Man In the World prefers Dos Equis, and of course, IMPACT.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 22/100

Compelling subject lines get opens and increase click-through-rates. How many spammy subjects do you see a day? We want to know, tell us by clicking here!

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 23/100

I know for sure that I'm on the 'Do Not Call' list and throw away 80% of direct mail, so why go down those avenues?

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 24/100

I'll tell you what, before we started with an inbound marketing plan, we were getting ziltch for leads. We're getting, oh I don't know, somewhere in the 5,000s X's more leads now.

100 Stats All Marketers Should Know – 25/100

Getting your posts out first thing in the morning will almost guarantee more reads.

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