IMPACT Inbound Marketing Agency]

They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


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Kimberly Marshall

By Kimberly Marshall

Mar 30, 2022


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Coaches, Consultants & Strategists

What Services Should I Offer Clients as a They Ask, You Answer Certified Coach?

Kimberly Marshall

By Kimberly Marshall

Mar 30, 2022

What Services Should I Offer Clients as a They Ask, You Answer Certified Coach?

As you consider becoming part of the They Ask, You Answer Certified Coaching Program and community, you might have questions about how the program can help you grow your business and expand (or evolve) your services.

Perhaps you have questions about program specifics, such as: What services will I be able to help my own clients with? How will these services make my business more profitable? How do I know that I’ll be successful at implementing what I’ve learned?

Upon graduation, there are three main services you’ll be able to sell to your clients that will help them achieve their inbound, content marketing, and sales goals:

  1. Stand-alone They Ask, You Answer workshops
  2. Ongoing They Ask, You Answer coaching
  3. Ongoing They Ask, You Answer Mastery Program

In this article, we’re going to dive a bit deeper into each of these services and explain:

  • What each service is and how it benefits you and your clients.
  • How each service will help your business turn a stronger profit.
  • What ongoing resources you will have access to that will help you succeed, both in the short and long term. 

Here’s how our coaching program will help you increase the profitability of your marketing agency or consulting business with three distinct and valuable offerings.

Stand-alone They Ask, You Answer alignment workshops 

They Ask, You Answer is all about helping customers by taking content creation in-house. To be successful, your client’s decision-makers and staff need to all be on the same page and excited about the process. 

This is where the workshops come into play.

Why offer They Ask, You Answer workshops?

Here at IMPACT, we believe the traditional marketing agency-client model is broken. The main goal of our program is to help you teach your clients how to create and manage the content-creation process themselves

They Ask, You Answer workshops are alignment initiatives that get marketing, sales, service, and leadership together to agree to this process, especially when it comes to what needs to be accomplished and why. 

These workshops dramatically increase the likelihood you will be successful in your They Ask, You Answer coaching, and that your client will be successful in their implementation of this framework and best practices. This is because these workshops facilitate buy-in across the organization and within teams that are essential for the success of They Ask, You Answer.

They also help you build links in the chain of your They Ask, You Answer coaching in an extremely intentional way, making sure your effort produces results. This will help you sidestep the obstacles and objections that typically cause teams to fail when trying to align sales and marketing.

Workshops are a fast and effective way to break down silos and get these teams committed to working together toward the same goals.

Keep in mind you can charge about $5,000+ (plus travel expenses) for facilitating an on-site workshop, and you don’t need to limit this service to getting buy-in at the start of the program. You can hold these workshops midway through the process to re-align teams whenever you need.

IMPACT’s Director of the Certified Coaching Program Dia Vavruska explains:

At first, you’ll help your clients get their team set up for success, such as hiring a content manager and ensuring that person’s sole responsibility is to produce and publish content.

Once you have the right people in place, you can have an alignment workshop that brings marketing, sales, leadership, and potentially services together in one room.

This gives you a unique opportunity to have everyone catch the same vision, come to a verbal agreement as to what needs to change with the company’s marketing and sales, and commit to being a part of that change.

Or, if you’re six months down a journey with a client, and you keep hitting roadblocks, hold an alignment workshop to remove obstacles and get everyone on the same page again. It reminds the company that they’ve made the investment and need to keep it going. So the workshops can be used at multiple points throughout the process to get everyone realigned as you see fit.

How IMPACT helps you set up and run your own They Ask, You Answer workshops

IMPACT will provide the training and resources you need to set up and run your own They Ask, You Answer workshops, including:

  • Examples of how Marcus Sheridan facilitates these workshops.
  • A slide deck you can reference during your workshop.
  • A resource packet that breaks down the workshop section by section and identifies which outcomes you need to achieve in each.
  • A set of disclaimers that will help you get the group listening and engaged so you can get the most out of your time together.
  • Sample client communications that show you what to say and how to say it so you can run the most effective workshop possible.

This training and the accompanying resources will help you lead your clients effectively through the process of self-discovery and accountability necessary to get the results you want. 

We also provide you with the opportunity to practice these workshops in front of, and get feedback from, IMPACT coaches, your cohorts, and Marcus Sheridan himself. 

Ongoing They Ask, You Answer executive-level coaching 

Most companies that attempt to implement They Ask, You Answer on their own find it more difficult to successfully execute than they had anticipated. Why? We often see that a company's progress is either too slow or they realize that in order to be successful they need a guide or outside perspective.

This is where They Ask, You Answer coaching provides value. We train you how to:

  • Become an exceptional communicator who is prepared to go toe-to-toe with resisters and tackle difficult conversations.
  • Understand what it takes to successfully implement They Ask, You Answer and get results. 

You will also gain unique access to hundreds of case studies, clients, and experiences shared directly from Marcus Sheridan and the coaches at IMPACT who’ve created this service offering. 

In short, you will not only know better than anyone how to coach your clients to implement They Ask, You Answer — but you will also be a coach that knows how to do it right and well.

Why offer They Ask, You Answer coaching?

Other than making it easier for you to be the outside perspective your clients need to succeed, these coaching services serve as a profitable differentiator for your marketing business. 

You will be in charge of leading C-level executives through the process of improving their digital marketing and sales initiatives and ensuring they’re profitable by guiding them on how to implement an award-winning inbound marketing framework. This requires you to employ your skills to help your clients remove roadblocks and keep people focused and on task. 

You will keep the team on the same page and dedicated to the same priorities. In essence, you’ll help clients execute the They Ask, You Answer framework, while also keeping everyone going in the same direction and ensuring the wheels stay on the bus.

Most of our coaches charge $2,500+ for their monthly coaching services, and you don’t need additional staff. 

How IMPACT helps you succeed with They Ask, You Answer coaching

To lead your clients toward inbound marketing success, we teach you how to be an indispensable coach. It takes a lot of communication know-how and process orchestration to accomplish this task, and that’s why the third month of the program training schedule is all about coaching and communication.

We teach you how to:

  • Establish yourself as an authoritative peer and keep the upper hand in any situation to ensure your clients value your insight and listen to your direction as their coach. 
  • Become a world-class communicator who regularly improves your skills and applies that information immediately in your day-to-day work.
  • Remove obstacles (objections, worries, fears) before they even come up in conversation, which prevents these objections from surfacing and inhibiting your success in the coaching process.
  • Provide feedback and direction fearlessly so clients will respect and value your leadership.
  • Communicate incisively so you can provide direction clearly and show you know exactly what you’re doing. 
  • Effectively guide companies on the They Ask, You Answer journey, helping them achieve greater results faster.

We also give you access to the tools you need to teach your clients They Ask, You Answer and implement it on their own, such as IMPACT+ and a directory of other coaches who are available to answer your questions or provide you with support when you need it. 

Ongoing They Ask, You Answer Mastery Program

The They Ask, You Answer Mastery Program is the premium version of the coaching service you can offer as a certified coach.

If a client signs up for your They Ask, You Answer coaching services, they are hiring a marketing coach (you!) to lead them through the process, but they are learning all the implementation skills on their own based on the homework you assign them.

With the Mastery Program, however, there’s a bit more hand-holding involved — especially because it’s more comprehensive than executive-level coaching and is intended to provide training and direction to multiple members of your client team. 

You can think of it this way: You’re still leading your client on the They Ask, You Answer journey toward success by explaining the concepts and leading your clients through the process, but you’re also offering hands-on training in:

  • Creating content and videos
  • Learning how to use HubSpot
  • Using content in the sales process.

Why offer the They Ask, You Answer Mastery Program?

With the Mastery Program, you can charge a premium price (between $5,000 and $10,00 per month) to not only coach clients through the They Ask, You Answer process, but also train them on how to implement it on a more tactical level

Some coaches consider hiring trainers who could dive in with each of your client’s relevant teams to help them through the process on a day-to-day basis, but it’s up to you how to tackle this.

You might feel more than comfortable providing this service to a few clients personally, and then bring on a team of trainers when you’re ready to scale your marketing business. Either way can work.

How IMPACT helps you succeed with They Ask, You Answer Mastery

To help you offer They Ask, You Answer Mastery Program services to your clients, we provide you with the same resources that our trainers utilize to help our own clients. For example, our trainers make use of templated sales agreements, client communication templates, and sample roadmaps for training (HubSpot training, content training, etc.).

We also provide you with hiring resources and job descriptions to help you and your clients find the right people at the right time. 

Increase the profitability of your marketing business with three new and unique services

If you are a believer in They Ask, You Answer, and you want to help other businesses succeed with this framework, you can become certified and learn how to do it better than anyone else in the world.

As part of the Certified Coaching Program, we will equip you with the resources necessary and personally train you on how to offer these profitable services successfully.

To learn more about our They Ask, You Answer Coaching Program, set up a time to chat with one of our coordinators who can send you more information and be sure the program is a good fit for your professional goals. 

As part of this program, you get IMPACT behind you. You become part of a partner network that is supported by us, and as we evolve and update our resources, we’ll share that with you to make sure that you’re successful and evolving too.

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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
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