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We've had so much fun celebrating our 10th anniversary this month, and we've so enjoyed bringing you along this journey with us. Truth be told, while I can't imagine my life without IMPACT in it, I've only been here for two and a half years.
In a way it feels like I've always been here. I know that doesn't make much sense, but bear with me. I'm feeling sappy today.
What gives IMPACT its staying power, for lack of a better term, is not just who we are today but where we came from. So, while it's important for us to celebrate where we are right now, in this moment — with Digital Sales & Marketing World 2020 right around the corner — I wanted to take a moment today to reflect on how we got here.
And who better to ask then our most tenured employees — Katie Pritchard, Tom DiScipio, Ramona Sukhraj, Dan Baum, Joe Rinaldi, Carolyn Edgecomb, Natalie Davis, and Vin Gaeta.
What do you love most about working at IMPACT?
"The people and just the overall culture in general that we have here. That's probably a bit of a cop-out answer but its 100% true. We work with some of the smartest most passionate people. No matter what problem you might run into on an average day, there's always someone whose not only able to help, but excited to jump in and work with you." - Joe
"The people. In the six and a half years I've been here, the team has made even the darkest of times (professionally or personally) seem bright.
When I first started here, I quickly began to feel like I found "my people" in way. We're all passionate about similar things, express ourselves in similar ways, and have similar quirks.
Most days, I don't wake up and feel like I'm going to a job, but rather going to hang out with some great friends — we just happen to do amazing work in the process. IMPACTers a truly rare breed and working here would not be the same without them." - Ramona
"The culture!" - Dan
"Our team and culture." - Vin
"The flexibility to live and enjoy my life (work is a big part of life!) and the challenges every day that help push me to grow." - Katie
"One word: Family.
This is a truly special group of humans that continues to grow. They're not afraid to be vulnerable, humble, or wrong. They truly believe in client > company, company > team, team > individual. I've never heard the word, 'love' used so much within an organization to describe feelings this team has for one another." - Tom
"It's so tempting to say the people, because we have such a unique bunch, but I have a feeling a lot of other people will say that. Gotta stay original...
So instead I'll say our pace. While a lot of people may be hesitant to join a fast-paced constantly changing company, I think it's one of the things that has brought us the most success and gives us our competitive advantage.
I can think back to when we went from a 'website design shop' to an inbound marketing agency overnight (new website, logo, and all!), because our CEO knew it was the marketing direction of the future. The change hasn't stopped or slowed down a bit since then." - Natalie
"The people! As we've grown, it's amazing to see all of the talented people from across the country (and even continents!) come together with a shared mission. There's not a day where I'm not learning something from another team member or watching them inspire clients and/or the next generation of digital sales and marketing talent." - Carolyn
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What is one thing that has changed about YOU the most since you started at IMPACT, because of your time at IMPACT?
"Over the years I've learned to take more ownership over the work that I create and have learned to create designs based on reason rather than aesthetics." - Joe
"Professionally, I'd probably say it's my sense of ownership. When I started at IMPACT, I was a nervous, unpaid marketing intern and today, I own one of the biggest initiatives at the organization (which in itself has transformed dramatically in this time). I'm seriously honored to be trusted with this responsibility and while the journey here has been far from easy, it's one I'm so grateful for. It makes me a bit emotional to think about!" - Ramona
"What's changed about me is how I view teamwork. I really know what it means to be supportive and supported by the people around me. Instead of trying to go at it alone, I've learned that it's okay to rely on your team when you need to." - Dan
"How I approach conversations." - Vin
"One thing? Almost everything! I started as an intern while still in college and learned everything through the opportunities I've had at IMPACT." - Katie
"Growth mindset. My insatiable thirst (and now quest) for knowledge about how to be a better leader, communicator, and in general, human. I hadn't read anything self-improvement related prior to joining this company. But soon after, I discovered that in order to be the best leader, best team mate, best spouse, etc. you have to start with being your best self." - Tom
"Although I could list off pages of things, I'd say my appreciation for being part of this company has changed the most. In the early days, I was a young kid looking for any marketing job I could get. And to me, IMPACT was just a job.
Years later, as we've evolved into the culture and people we have today, I've become very protective of our brand and our team.
We have something so special." - Natalie
"Definitely more outgoing. My personality has always been quiet and reserved, and while I will always be an introvert at heart, I have taken what I've learned in my numerous roles throughout my years at IMPACT to be more outspoken and I've been able to find a role that I truly enjoy." - Carolyn
👉 Related: How do you overcome imposter syndrome as a millennial developing in your career? (An IMPACT story)
What's the most surprising thing about IMPACT that has changed since you first started?
"This isn't marketing related at all, but just how much everyones grown up and really come into their own in terms of their careers. When I first started we are all just kids living at home with our parents and now eight years later people have families and are buying their first homes.
A lot of us have grown from the entry level jobs we started at to managing entire departments and having major roles on the leadership team." - Joe
"The acquisitions! I knew IMPACT would grow over the years, but I never expected us to buy other companies. Early on, acquisitions seemed like something only huge corporations did. I never expected that we'd make four in such a short amount of time. It's crazy to see how far we've come!" - Ramona
"The rate of scaling. I remember IMPACT being such a small close team, and we have just exploded over the last couple years. We've also been able to maintain that very close-knit feeling." - Dan
"How we help our clients and community." - Vin
"Our growth across the country! I couldn't have imagined that we'd be as spread out as far as we are, yet how close we feel." - Katie
"The most surprising thing has been the level of talent that has become a part of this team. A rule of business is that you always look for the person who is or has the potential to be better than you.
And over the years, we've managed to source and hire some of the smartest people I've ever met, and those people have taken ownership over the things Bob and I used to have to do ourselves.
Not only have they taken ownership, but they've far surpassed our abilities and will be the ones to take this company to the next level." - Tom
"IMPACT has become an incredible place to work. As bad as it sounds, we weren't always this way. Not even close.
Back in the early days of IMPACT we coined the term 'The IMPACT Curse.' It referred to the fact that when people took a big step in their lives (moved out of their parents' house, got engaged/married, got pregnant, etc), they would leave the company.
The fact that we now have a generous paid parental leave policy, matching 401k plan, competitive salaries, employee-voted awards for our culture, and more team members with families than I can keep track of, would have been unheard of back when I started." - Natalie
"I don't know if this is surprising, considering how frequently our team shifts and adapts, but I would say how we help our clients. Despite our mission staying the same.
It's amazing to look back at all of the shifts we've made in the company to not only help educate our clients, but how we've restructured the company to define more career paths and simply to give employees more control over their impact (no pun intended) on the company and clients.
Especially coming from a company where Bob was the sole leader to developing a leadership team and allowing everyone in the company to provide feedback and take ownership." - Carolyn
👉 Related: Dynamic businesses need dynamic websites and why IMPACT's website is always evolving
Finally, what's your favorite IMPACT memory?
"Probably our Fiesta Fridays. We'd order Mexican from this small place up the road from our old office and we'd spend our lunchtime just hanging out and talking about our weekend plans." - Joe
"There have been A LOT over the years. In particular, I've always loved the moments when we've gotten to bond outside of our roles the most. Our first holiday party, the rope-course retreat, and IMPACT Giving Day, all stand out in my mind, but more recently, we had a karaoke night that was nothing short of epic.
I loved getting to see a lot of team members let down their guards a bit and even collaborate on some duets. It was a whole different type of team building and I'll never forget it." - Ramona
"The whole day after IMPACT Live '19 with everyone in office hanging out and getting to know each other better. And the party afterwards." - Dan
"Bob telling me I’m not allowed to quit." - Vin
"Our holiday parties/end of the year celebration!" - Katie
"Over my nine and a half years here, there have been so many incredibly memorable moments. But for me, it goes all the way back to the beginning... Driving to Bob's condo for my official interview, meeting him for the first time, sitting down at the kitchen table, getting the call two days later... 'We'd like to hire you.'
I still remember my first day - the notepad he gave me to write on (I still have it), the red walls of the spare bedroom (office), and the first place we got lunch together - Little Italy. That's where it all started." - Tom
"A lot of my favorite memories have to do with some of the videos we've produced over the years. One year, in particular, my coworker Katie and I wrote and filmed a secret agent themed opening video to our 007 themed holiday party.
What made this one so much fun was that we were able to include every single person who worked at the company at the time. It was an amazing team bonding experience, which left us with a hilarious finished product that we could watch over and over again any time we needed a laugh." - Natalie
"Fiesta Fridays... when we were a 10 to 20 person team, every Friday we used to order Mexican food from the same Mexican restaurant, which was right down the street from our office. The entire team would sit around our conference room table and eat lunch together. We would go around the room asking everyone what they were doing for the weekend. It also didn't hurt that Tom on occasion wore a sombrero." - Carolyn
👉 Related: 10 questions for IMPACT CEO Bob Ruffolo as we celebrate IMPACT's first decade (+video)

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