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Stephanie Hughes

By Stephanie Hughes

Aug 21, 2013


Inbound Marketing Working With Marketing Agencies

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3 Simple Ways to Switch From Outbound to Inbound Marketing

Stephanie Hughes

By Stephanie Hughes

Aug 21, 2013

3 Simple Ways to Switch From Outbound to Inbound Marketing


3 Simple Ways to Switch From Outbound to Inbound MarketingIf you didn't already realize, the world of marketing is changing.

With consumer behavior evolving, inbound marketing has been the most effective way of online marketing since 2006.  Marketing departments are switching their traditional marketing efforts towards inbound marketing to keep up with consumer preferences.

Here at Impact, we believe that inbound marketing is attracting prospects with quality content, using premium content to convert them to leads, and implementing marketing automation to nurture leads until they’re sales ready will help shorten your sales cycle.

If you are still practicing outbound marketing, the switch to inbound marketing may seem like a difficult task.

We break it down into 3 simple ways that you can start to implement inbound marketing to help you attract visitors to your website and easily convert those visitors into leads.

Switching From Outbound to Inbound Marketing

First things first, stop wasting your money

If you're spending money on traditional marketing such as direct mail and telemarketing and not allocating part of your budget towards informational marketing materials such as infographics, white papers, ebooks and developing a social media presence, you could be missing out on opportunities to connect with consumers.

Consumers have a lot more control now over how much and what types of marketing they are subjected to. They block out marketing that doesn't apply to them and as a result, your traditional marketing efforts are most likely being ignored.

Develop a Social Media Presence

Your audience is online and so naturally, you should be too.

Being on social media encourages the two way conversation that consumers desire. Consumers can communicate with questions or feedback and give you insight into what they are looking for. This type of information not only helps your sales team but it also tells marketing what type of content consumers are looking for.

By being on social media and having a strong presence allows your company to build relationships as well as increases the chances of being found. The opportunities that develop because of social media make investing in your presences worth it.

It's important to remember that not every social media platform is going to be right for your company and audience.

Invest in an Inbound Marketing Agency

Having an Inbound Marketing agency can allow your company to quickly increase it's sales and communication with current and potential clients.

Here at Impact, we think of ourselves as an extension of your marketing team. We help our clients by offering a complete suite of inbound marketing services to make sure that consumers can easily find and communicate with you.

An Inbound Marketing agency can make the transition from your current outbound marketing efforts to inbound marketing easy.

Being consistent with blogging, creating marketing materials, and social media updates is a huge part of the inbound marketing process and having an inbound marketing agency handle all that for you can make it less intimidating to make the switch.


Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.