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Kaitlyn Macri

By Kaitlyn Macri

Jun 7, 2013


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7 Ways To Reconvert Your Inbound Leads

Kaitlyn Macri

By Kaitlyn Macri

Jun 7, 2013

7 Ways To Reconvert Your Inbound Leads


reconvert leadsSomeone has come to your website for the first time.

They were searching for information about social media and came across your ebook. They fill out the form and download it. They have just converted and become a lead.

Converting one time is most likely not going to get that lead to turn into a customer.

According to Gleanster Research50% of leads are qualified but not yet ready to buy. You need to get them to reconvert.

That means you need to continue to interact with them and give them incentives to return to the website and convert again.

7 Ways To Reconvert Your Inbound Leads

1. Calls-To-Action

CTA's are an easy way that you can try to reconvert your inbound leads. You need to place your CTA's everywhere such as:

    • On every page of your website that you can

    • In your emails

    • Secondary CTA's in your emails that give a different offer than the first one

    • On your thank you pages

    • Within other offers such as ebooks, webinars, and other downloads

2. Recommendation Widget

If you've ever bought something through online shopping, you've probably saw something that said "other shoppers who purchased this item also viewed..." This is like the recommendation widget that you should put on your website. It will show other offers or downloadable content that the viewer is interested in relative to the page that they are currently on. This can get them to reconvert by having more options readily available to them.

3. Offer Locations

It is important to have all of your downloadable offers in one spot on your website. There should be a link on the navigation bar that is titled "Resources" or something similar. That way if someone sees your offer somewhere but can't remember how they got to it, they can easily find it on your website as well as others that they might be interested in.

4. Use Your Best Content

When trying to get your leads to reconvert, you need to send them your best content. You already know what content your target audience and readers are interested in learning about and reading. Knowing what content draws your audience in, continue writing about that content because the odds are in your favor that it will work again.

5. Welcome Emails Work

According to Skyline Technologies, welcome emails have an average open rate of 50-60%. If someone signs up for your emails or subscribes to your blog, they should receive a welcome email. Take advantage of the high open rate of welcome emails, and put in a CTA or two that will make your lead reconvert.

6. Personalized Marketing

Your leads want to know that they are important to your company, and you can show them that they are by personalizing your marketing. This means that when you send them an email, you need to send them what they want. The first step is to segment your contacts list into either buyer personas or lifecycle stage. Then, you can send your contacts offers that are relevant to them. When they get what they're interested in instead of just general emails, they are more likely to reconvert.

7. Using Social Media

If someone is already following you on social media, they probably already know a little about your company and are interested in what you offer. This means you can post and send them content that is more advanced. Also, you can use social media to be more personalized in your marketing to make your followers reconvert.

You can use these tips to get your leads to reconvert. Every lead is different, so you will have to try different ways to get them to reconvert.

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