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Austin Malloy

By Austin Malloy

Oct 28, 2013


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How Apple is Dominating the Delight Stage

Austin Malloy

By Austin Malloy

Oct 28, 2013

How Apple is Dominating the Delight Stage

How Apple is Dominating the Delight StageGrowing up in a house that only used PC's I never knew how bad I had it until I got my first MacBook Pro.

I thought it was the greatest thing in the world; the clouds parted and out came a beautifully engineered machine.

Since that day, I haven't looked back. The ironic part is that I'm currently writing this blog on a Chromebook because I left my MacBook at home.

Apple is always offering their customers new updates. Whether it's a newer and better product or updated versions of their software. That is one way Apple has continued to delight their customers.

By keeping their products on the cutting edge of technology and always finding ways to improve their products, they have created a devoted cult following.

Recently, Apple released their new operating system OS X Mavericks.

Fun fact, according to TechCrunch Mavericks is a beach in California that is known as a popular surfing spot.

Even though there is always "buzz" whenever Apple comes out with a new product, this time they created a lot more since they are offering the software for free.

Apple Delighting Their Customers

It is FREE!!!

What is better than getting something for free, not much. I can tell you that I am always at Dunkin Donuts whenever they are giving out free coffees, or at Wendy's for free frosty day.

A small cup of coffee at Dunkin is less than $2.00 and people still get excited about a free one.

Apple's last four updates to their operating systems were priced around $29. Their loyal customers are now saving that money by making their latest update free.

The products Apple provides are top end, so you have to pay top dollar for them. When consumers pay a lot of money for something they are going to expect a lot from it.

In the past Apple has only delighted their customers, after the large purchase they made, by offering them an update that wasn't overly expense.

Now, they've gone the extra mile by making it free. In the office, pretty much everyone uses a Mac, whether it's an iMac or a Macbook Pro, the office was buzzing about the new news. There wasn't one person not talking about Mavericks.

Apple is going above and beyond the expectations of their customers. This is how you delight your customers and keep them coming back.

Educating the Users

Just because they came out with an update and made it free doesn't mean they are out of the woods. They have to ensure they're making their customers happy.

Obviously not everyone is going to know how to download the new operating system and use it. Apple has provided instructions on where to get the new update and the new features that are available on it.

On their website, there are in depth instructions, telling you where to find the new product and how to download it.

They also give an explanation of all the new apps and tech specs they added to it.

Continuing to educate your consumers is a key part to delighting them. Just because they downloaded an offer or a product of yours doesn't mean they fully know how to use it.

Don't wait until consumers contact you to help them, provide the necessary tools for them before they ask.

Nothing is more annoying than confusing directions too. Apple makes it simple and easy to download OS X Mavericks.

New Additions

Apple has added new apps like Maps and iBooks, giving the user everything they need and more.

Their upgrades are always trying to improve and make life easier and convenient. The point of the upgrades and new additions is to keep their consumers happy and ensuring that their products feature the latest technology.

I know whenever I get an upgrade for my phone, like iOS 7, I was so excited to download it. I was literally like a little kid on Christmas, I was glad to be an iPhone user, an Apple fan.

The delight stage can be an easy part to forget.

When the sale is over you cannot forget about the customer. You need to continue delighting them. Apple does a great job of doing this and OS X Mavericks is a great example of it.

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