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What would the world of marketing and advertising look like if we weren't telling stories?
Really. Really. Boring.
With so much content flooding the web as marketers and business owners thrive to keep up in the age of information, we've all managed to start blending in with one another.
Unless we're telling a different story, we're all telling the same one.
It's what Seth Godin told us in "All Marketers Are Liars," and what many of your favorite household brands have known for years; "if I'm going to stand out, we have to tell a different story. Our products may be similar, but our message won't be."
It's why Folgers says its coffee is "the best part of waking up," while Maxwell House says "Good to the Last Drop."
Are either true? Perhaps. However, true is subjective. Consumers of either brand will swear by their product due to the way the slogan has made them feel in regards to their morning cup 'o Joe.
A little hyperbole never hurt anyone. In fact, brands have been using it as a way to tell their stories for as long as products have been made.
We put together this fun little video in order to convey the importance of that little element of storytelling. Whether it's your favorite brand slogan, or simply your website's value proposition, the story you tell should be just that; a story.
It's up to you and your customer to make it true. Check out the fun little video below and see what your favorite brand slogans would sound like without the story we have come to identify them with.
Your Favorite Brand Slogans without the Story
As you can see, they sound a lot different once the element of storytelling is removed.
I mean, does America really run on Dunkin'? Is Snapple really made from the best stuff on earth?
Perhaps. Stories are made true by the experience you provide.
So create a compelling story. But most importantly, make it true.
After all, these are stories. Not fairy tales.

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