Ahh - the robots return! Ever have someone follow you and then be pestered to follow you back? This is one of the downfalls of Twitter. Bots and spammers bugging you: "Follow me back! Follow me back!" No, you're not the only one, and yes, it can be extremely annoying. Many of us have been in Bob's shoes, wanting to delete our Twitter accounts on the basis that everyone in our Twitter following won't leave us alone.
I hate to admit it, but Twitter is chock full of bots, spammers, and most annoyingly, your competition. That being said, it's still great, and is an awesome tool for publicizing your brand. But when there are spammers out there, you know that they are out to get your accounts. They can take over your following, and give you a bad rep on Twitter.
One of the most difficult parts of Twitter for brands is reaching as many people as possible. Usually it involves scheming together crazy, helpful, or funny topics that will go viral. This isn't as easy as it sounds! Most often, these plans fall flat on their faces, and it's back to square one. Frustrating, right?
If your frustration is too much to handle, contact IMPACT and we can help you with your Twitter following!
Just remember this: Your company is absolutely not the only brand trying to publish content on Twitter with the intention of it going viral.
Optimize Your Following
A main feature of Twitter is that anyone can connect with anyone. With this being said, your followers are not your own! Whether you like it or not, you share you followers with everyone, including your competitors.
It's very difficult to create content to cut through all the gunk that your followers see. However, it's much easier to increase the number of people your content reaches. More importantly, you need to increase the number of people that are actually interested in your company and the content you have to offer. You need high-quality followers!
Okay, easier said than done. Where are you supposed to start? How are you supposed to find people who are interested in you? These questions have no simple answer. But this doesn't mean all hope is lost! There are many great ways to improve your Twitter following.
Publish Great Content that Your Followers Will Want
The easiest option is to just keep doing what you're doing. This might be working for you, but just think of the time wasted creating failed viral content. Plus, you'll never be that Twitter account that everyone rushes to look at when they log on. In order to get those high-quality leads you want, you need fresh news and industry-related information that your possible buyers will be looking for when on Twitter. If you sell green lighting and environmentally-friendly energy products, you're not going to post about the newest gas-guzzling SUV, are you? You'd post about the new Prius that Toyota just released.
Increase Your Twitter Following By Following Others
There are also following-specific methods of improving your Twitter following. Probably the best thing you can do is follow people in your industry who would be interested in your company. Having reputable names from your industry gives you credibility on Twitter, and more people interested in your industry will join your Twitter following for more information. Another way is to follow the followers of your competitors, or other companies in your industry. By following your competition, you can almost "steal" their followers, and then you just have to generate the better content! This will cause your Twitter following to skyrocket, and you will be preferred over your competition. Industry related companies are great to "steal" followers from, too. If you are a moving company, following a real estate agency like ReMax would be beneficial to your company. Families looking to move will follow their agents, and if your moving company follows them, they might use your business in the process. Genius right?
Take all these methods with a grain of salt! If you want to improve your Twitter following, don't go crazy with following a ton of accounts. Earning the reputation of a spammer will kill your Twitter hopes and dreams. Be careful with the aggressiveness of your following. But if you're careful, and have true intentions of creating a high-quality Twitter following, then you shouldn't have a problem. It's all specific to your company and what your wants from Twitter are. Twitter is a continuously changing social networking platform, and everyone needs to adjust their methods or risk losing followers. Twitter is for everyone; you just have to find your personal way approach to it.
How has your Twitter following generated you leads? Drop us a comment!

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