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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 27, 2012


Inbound Marketing HubSpot

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Inbound Marketing  |   HubSpot

How to Make Your Life as a Marketer Less Stressful

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Sep 27, 2012

How to Make Your Life as a Marketer Less Stressful


marketerHeading a marketing department is great, isn't it? You get to make decisions on the company's marketing, flex your creative muscle, and also get heat from up stairs about leads and sales.

Oh wait...that last part isn't so great, is it? Not sure how that snuck in there, other than the fact that it pretty much comes with the territory of being a marketing manager.

The most stressful part of being a marketing manager is making sure all tasks are being hit, and most times, that means staying on top of many different softwares, programs, and marketing tools to ensure that they are.

Social media, email marketing, blogging, website design; these are part of the everyday vernacular of a marketing manager.

But what if there was a better, more efficient way of nailing all of these areas? And what if you've been missing out on it this whole time?

Streamlining your Marketing

At IMPACT, we use HubSpot's inbound marketing software, 'HubSpot 3', to both run our own marketing campaign as well as all of our inbound clients. What this does is effectively take everything you've ever needed to run an effective marketing campaign, and bring it all it once place. The best part? The analytical features which allow us to measure everything.

By partnering with a certified HubSpot agency, you can effectively simplify your everyday operations as well as lower your blood pressure. Win-win!

It's certainly been the cliché way to describe the new HubSpot 3, but it's worth stating here again. Think of the iPhone and how it became revolutionary.

It took several devices we used to rely on heavily; phone, camera, iPod, alarm clock, email, Internet, and put it all on one device. The rest, as they say, is history. Apple took something complicated and made it simple. You can draw that same conclusion to just about every revolutionary invention in history; something complicated was made simple.

This is exactly what HubSpot has done with their new software. (You can even try it out by letting IMPACT set up your free demo).

Social media, email marketing, blogging, and analytics are now all in one place in the HubSpot software, allowing you to run all of these campaigns smoothly through the software itself. The days of logging in to all of your separate social media accounts or using a social media publishing tool are over. You can simply write and schedule all of your social media updates right in the social media tab in the new HubSpot software.

The same goes for email marketing and blogging; it's all handled right in the software itself. What was once complicated is now simple.

Most impressive is the analytical data you'll have avaliable to you. Ever wonder where your website traffic is coming from? How they found you? Where they're coming from? What they're clicking on and doing on your website?

All of this data will be available to you, allowing you to run a more effective marketing campaign.

Be a Smarter Marketer

The best thing about the newest HubSpot software is its intuitiveness. Taking a page out of Amazon's playbook (and really, who isn't?), the HubSpot software now has the ability to provide your website visitors with a more customized experience.

If a visitor comes to your website and clicks on a certain call-to-action or downloads a specific offer, the next time they visit your website, a different CTA and offer will display for them. After all, how else can you push leads further down the sales funnel if they're always seeing the same content?

HubSpot refers to these as "Smart CTAs" and "Smart Landing Pages," and they'll take your marketing campaign from static and predictable, to customized and extremely smart and user-friendly.

Free HubSpot Demo

As certified gold partners of HubSpot, IMPACT has set up many of our clients with a successful HubSpot campaign. Let IMPACT set up your free HubSpot demo and learn how it can help you!

Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.