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Practice Makes Confidence (The IMPACT Show Ep. 67)

Jan 16, 2019

In this episode of The IMPACT Show, Nick and I discuss website accessibility, producing content that provides value (even in "boring" industries), what video in sales has to do with diapers, and more!
Check out the video recording below as well as the show notes. Enjoy and let us know what you thought in IMPACT Elite.
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Where we share updates from IMPACT that you need to know!
Is Your Website ADA Compliant?
Mary Connor is a visually impaired woman who wanted to purchase tickets to a Beyoncé concert. Unfortunately, the website is almost exclusively visual in nature, lacking a number of legally required features by the Americans with Disabilities Act. This lawsuit is yet another example of why ensuring your website is accessible is critically important.
Are Your Marketing Job Candidates Ghosting You?
IMPACT's Brie Rangel posted in Elite about an article she wrote which appeared in The Latest. She said: "I'm flabbergasted that "ghosting" is a real thing in the hiring process, especially in the late stages. Are any of you experiencing this? I'm curious if you're doing something about it like we are." Check out the article she wrote if you aren't familiar with what ghosting is.
Spotify Offers Brands New Opportunity
Nick shared a bit about how Spotify's new advertising options announced recently present an opportunity for brands to get in front of the streaming service's massive audience. Learn more about Spotify's new advertising options.
The IMPACT Community
Where we go over what you're saying in IMPACT Elite.
MPACT Elite is a community of over 4,400 passionate inbounders looking to help each other succeed. Join us in IMPACT Elite.
IMPACT Elite Member of the Week!
Trena Kraft is our Elite member of the week this week.
She’s a new member and already has over 15 comments and is participating in multiple discussions and asking great questions. Her recent post was: “I work for a small company on the only person in the marketing department I do it all I design, manage Google Ad/analytics & social media posting. It can be overwhelming. Can someone recommend a book on digital media?” Check out Trena's discussion in Elite.
Content That Provides Value
Michelle Anna Alfano posted in Elite: “I know I want to produce amazing content that will have a positive ROI and I don't want to phone it in and produce 500 top-level articles that no one but my boss ever asked for. [...] The problem is that I'm struggling to imagine what content of value we could produce for our ideal buyers.” Check out Michelle's post in Elite.
Nick and I talk about the key lessons from this thread and some resources including Marcus Sherdian's book They Ask You Answer and this article on 9 common mistakes to avoid when creating buyer personas.
The IMPACT: One of the impacts of this post in Elite is that so many people replied with great content! Michelle replied and said this: "Omg! Thank you to EVERYONE who has commented here! Y'all have offered SO much valuable advice and I am truly touched and honored that so many of you have jumped in to offer advice and insight. This is why FB groups are valuable and I'm honored to be a part of this group! Thank you all!”
What Does SEO Do For Searchers?
John McTigue posted a head-scratcher as usual. He said: "Deep question for the group: what exactly does SEO do for searchers? We know what it does for publishers, but what about searchers? What's in it for them?" Check out the discussion and share your thoughts in Elite.
Guest of the Week
This is where we pick someone from the community who we feel like you need to know about.
Our guest of the week is someone making great moves in their campaigns, have leadership lessons we can learn from, or are just overall awesome people you should make it a priority to get to know.
What Video in Sales and Cloth Diapers Have in Common
This week we interviewed IMPACT Client Success Manager Marc Amigone. Some things you should know about Marc: As a Customer Success Manager on the Sales and Success team at IMPACT, Marc is responsible for helping new and existing clients of the agency accomplish their marketing goals. He and his wife also recently had a baby son.
As always, we wrapped up by sharing our final thoughts. You'll catch those in the episode so give it a listen!
We would love your comments. What did you think of the new format of the show? Let us know in Elite. Make sure you never miss a show or update by subscribing at
Join Us Next Time!
We'll be back again next week (and every week!). Until next time...we'll see you in Elite!

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