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Bob Ruffolo

By Bob Ruffolo

Jul 4, 2012


Inbound Marketing

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Inbound Marketing

What Types of Businesses Use Inbound Marketing?

Bob Ruffolo

By Bob Ruffolo

Jul 4, 2012

What Types of Businesses Use Inbound Marketing?

I have a lot of people call up and ask me, “Is inbound marketing right for my business?” Even more ask me if they know of any businesses that are in their particular industry or niche that have seen any benefit to adding an inbound marketing campaign to their business plan.

If you’re not sure if inbound marketing is right for you, then you’ve come to the right place.  I’ll lay it all out on the line so that you can determine whether or not your type of business can benefit from inbound marketing.

Let’s start with the first and most pressing question that businesses have:

Will Inbound Marketing Save Me Money?

Given that most of the businesses who are contacting me for inbound marketing are small to medium businesses, you and I both know that the budget is pretty darn thin.  Most small and medium businesses don’t have millions of dollars to throw at a marketing campaign.  Most of them struggle just to be able to pay for a newspaper ad (which, as I’ve heard time and time again, is borderline useless).

So here’s the good news: inbound marketing will save you money, and lots of it.  HubSpot did a survey recently which revealed that inbound marketing techniques could save you a whopping 62% over outbound marketing per every lead.

That’s $200 or so per lead.  5 leads, and you save a quick grand.  Not bad, right?

Be sure to check out our FREE eBook, "The Beginners Guide for Inbound Marketing" for more on the benefits of an inbound marketing campaign. 

Will Inbound Marketing Make Me Money?

So here’s the next question: does inbound marketing make you money?  Yes!  Apart from saving you a ton on advertising costs, inbound marketing techniques are actually even more effective in generating leads in almost every industry out there and converting those leads into customers. Some of the industries that really see a huge jump in their earnings when they use inbound marketing include:

    • Insurance-based businesses

    • Retail and eTail businesses/anything e-commerce based

    • Professional service providers (i.e. lawyers, notaries, bookkeepers, etc.)

    • Health service providers

This isn’t to say that only these industries will make money, but they certainly will see the most dramatic jump in their earnings.  Contractors and manufacturers will also see a solid incline in their earning scale when they use inbound marketing techniques.

How Will Inbound Marketing Help my Business?

There are a number of things that inbound marketing techniques can be used for to help boost your ‘biz.  Any business in any niche will benefit from not only having a great looking website, but they’ll benefit even more if it’s created by an inbound marketing firm who knows how to optimize the website for SEO.  What this means is that you rank higher in both local and international searches on the web than those businesses that just have a “pretty” site.

Inbound marketing firms also are fully fluent in a number of different advertising techniques that are used online, like blogs, pay per click campaigns and landing pages. They can write up effective press releases and distribute those to the right channels.  Press releases may not be necessary for everyone, but all businesses can benefit from a blog, a good handful of landing pages and a number of different tactics which are commonly used to not only get leads, but to also convert leads into customers.

I could go on and on about how inbound marketing can help one’s business.  You’ll have strong presence on the web.  You’ll convert visitors into customers.  You’ll start really building up your brand and also develop a more personal relationship with your clientele through social media.

How Much Control does an Inbound Marketing Firm Have over my Internet Marketing?

You can give an inbound marketing firm as much or as little power over your internet marketing campaign as you want.  Some businesses will hire an inbound marketing firm just to do a little bit of work on their website, while other businesses essentially hand over their entire internet marketing campaign to the firm and tell us to take care of it all for them.

Key Takeaways:

What’s important for businesses to realize is that the world is moving online.  Telephone calls and direct mail campaigns just aren’t cutting it any more.  If you want to make more money and gain more customers, then you’ve got to get your business online, no matter what your niche or industry may be (start off by checking out our free eBookWebsite Redesign 101” for ideas on how you can improve your online presence).  While some may benefit more than others (particularly online retail businesses), even those businesses which previously relied on things like posters and word of mouth marketing will see a jump in their customer count after going online.

Need Help?

If you're interested in inbound marketing but are having trouble getting started, contact us today to schedule your free marketing analysis.

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