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Free Assessment: How does your sales & marketing measure up?

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Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.
Kyle Bento

By Kyle Bento

May 11, 2017


Careers in Inbound

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Careers in Inbound

Is Your Inner Circle Helping or Hurting Your Growth?

Kyle Bento

By Kyle Bento

May 11, 2017

Is Your Inner Circle Helping or Hurting Your Growth?

We all have people that we look up to, right?

These people may be our mentors, someone we talk to regularly, or maybe someone we’ll never meet. These people have a profound effect on our lives, but here’s the thing:

If you’re like me, all the people you look up to have a common philosophy they consider core to their success -- and I’m starting to notice the pattern.

Now, it makes sense that the people we look up to are similar.

If you value yourself an entrepreneur, you’re likely drawn to those whom are great entrepreneurs. If you value yourself a philanthropist, you’re likely to surround yourself by others whose charity seems to see no bounds.

It’s only natural to be drawn to people who value the same things as you.

However, there’s something slightly different about the philosophy I’m noticing among those I consider the most successful -- When describing the key elements of their success, all of these people mention actively surrounding themselves with others who are the best.

I’ve heard it put a few ways:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

- Jim Rohn

“One of the smartest things I did in my life was surround myself by people who were smarter than me.”

- Ray Zukowski

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”

- Bonnie Manter

This is so different from just being drawn to others like yourself. These people actively pursued being surrounded by those who would make them grow and strive for more. They didn’t settle.

I can’t speak for you, but for me, that thought is prolific.

But, how?

Every blog article needs some actionable tips, right?

Take one minute to listen to Gary Vaynerchuck’s thoughts on this:



Are you actively reviewing those with whom you surround yourself? Are you distancing yourself from the losers and replacing them with the winners?

IMPACT will do half the work for you.

We can set you up for success here, but before I tell you how, let me start off by saying most of the people who read this won’t take me up on this offer and honestly, that’s probably for the better.

What is important, however, is that a few people will and they will be surrounded by others who did.  Those who take action will surround themselves by the kind of people who are willing to go the extra mile to inject themselves into a circle of winners.

Ok -- So, here’s what’s up: If you’ve made it this far, I’d like to invite you to join an invite-only group of marketing and sales leaders at IMPACT Live in August 2017.

Among the attendees are several former HubSpot executives, business owners, and market leading CMOs. You won’t be the smartest person in the room and neither will I, and that’s the beauty of this.

We tailor built this conference with three key elements in mind: expert insight, winning connections, and of course, fun.

The reason? Our goal is to make sure  each and every attendee walks away from this experience a part of a powerful and intimate circle of leaders.

If you’re as hooked on this idea as I am, you’ll want to move quickly.  In order to provide you the best experience, we capping the number of leaders attending at under 200 and we will sell out.

As if this wasn’t valuable enough, here’s the cherry on top:

Currently, a standard ticket will run you $1,687 and that will increase on 5/30, but because our goal is to attract those with the right mindset, use the code: "WINNERSCIRCLE"  and we’ll significantly discount your ticket.

How much? There’s only one way to find out.

Click here to learn more about the event and reserve your seat at the winner’s table.

I hope to see you there, but if I don’t, remember to surround yourself with the greats!


Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.