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Stephanie Baiocchi

By Stephanie Baiocchi

Sep 10, 2020


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HubSpot Training Day: If you're a digital marketer here's your custom agenda

Stephanie Baiocchi

By Stephanie Baiocchi

Sep 10, 2020

HubSpot Training Day: If you're a digital marketer here's your custom agenda

The first time I attended a marketing conference after college I had to fight for it. 

I got a free ticket sponsored by the event, I paid for my own flight and hotel, and the only thing my job did to help, after a lot of persuading, was not make me use my vacation days to attend. 

I will be forever grateful that I fought for this opportunity because it was one of the most impactful conferences I ever attended. It was the first time I saw Marcus Sheridan speak and I attended multiple sessions that changed the course of my career forever.

Despite knowing how amazing and educational this event was, every year after that, at every new job I got, I still had to fight to get to attend and get it paid for even though the knowledge I brought back would undoubtedly benefit my company. 

🔎 Related: Register today for HubSpot Training Day on October 27

Furthermore, throughout the years, it became harder and harder to convince my boss that I should be attending these events. When the main benefits listed were things like a luau-themed networking event or big name speakers like Michelle Obama, it doesn’t exactly make it easier to sell to my boss.

Truly actionable, tactical marketing events are hard to find

I, like many of you, needed to focus on finding super tactical events that would arm me with knowledge to come back to work and truly transform our business. (At least if I wanted them to pay for it.)

So, with in-person conferences out of the question for a while, why am I even telling you all this? 

Well, as I’ve planned our virtual events thus far this year, I attended many others for research and inspiration and unfortunately, I’ve felt the same thing about every one: They still just miss the mark.

I’ve seen very creative ideas for making virtual events fun and inspirational. I’ve seen events with happy hour mixology classes and unique breakout networking activities. 

But in-person or virtual, I’ve yet to find a truly tactical event focused on giving digital marketers the tools and deep knowledge needed to achieve their marketing goals while keeping all the plates spinning. 

That’s why we created HubSpot Training Day 

I know I’m a bit biased, but HubSpot Training Day is the event I’ve been dreaming about since my first conference back in 2013. Marketers need an event that is deep and tactical the whole time. Marketers need an event that will make their boss say “you need to go to this.” 

HubSpot Training Day is just that — a full day of actionable learning including sessions for users of every level. Whether you’re just getting started with HubSpot (or are just considering using it!) or have been using the platform for years, you’re going to get so much out of it.

The event will have some of your favorite HubSpot speakers, academy professors, and product owners, teaching and sharing their expertise.

With the help of our HubSpot Certified Trainers, this crafted an agenda includes sessions full of specific, tactical content focused on teaching you new things you can implement immediately. 

With so many sessions, however, it can be challenging (and time consuming) to figure out exactly where you should spend your time. So, I’ve compiled a list of the HubSpot Training Day sessions I personally recommend for digital marketers. This includes sessions you must attend if you want to get the most out of your day, and a few I really think you should attend as well. 

And in case you’re saying to yourself “but Stephanie, we don’t even use HubSpot at my organization” I have put a few sessions at the end for those of you who do not yet have the pleasure of getting to work in this comprehensive and wonderful tool. 

But first, let’s save you some money

And since I know you’re going to have to ask your boss to pay for this, I’m here to help. Tickets are $99 each but if you use the code STEPHANIE you’ll save 50%, making it just $49! (Yeah, I rounded down cause I’m nice like that.) So grab your ticket now!

Alright, here are the sessions you must attend to get the most out of that $49 and a few more I think you should definitely make it a point to check out.

(Please note, all times reflected below are in Eastern Daylight Time.)

10 a.m. 6 Ways You Never Knew to Use HubSpot Workflows to Be More Efficient (should attend)

Listen, I know workflows were probably introduced to you as a way to send marketing emails to people based on certain criteria at a specified frequency over a period of time. That’s all well and good, but workflows are actually far more powerful than just email. 

Plus, HubSpot is constantly adding new features and functionality that make our nerdy little team flip out over the possibilities. See what I mean:

Yes, I was so excited I responded while I was OOO.

But unless you’re actively monitoring the HubSpot Product Updates blog for the latest and greatest innovations, you’ve probably missed out on some new automation abilities within the tool. 

Fortunately, my IMPACT buddy and HubSpot Certified Trainer, Jessica Palmeri, and I are going to ensure that you’re up to speed with all of these new features. We’ll make sure you’re maximizing your automation efforts (and your investment with HubSpot), simplifying your day-to-day marketing, and keeping your contact database clean. 

That last one is my favorite! After all, why should a clean database require a bunch of manual work? (Spoiler: It shouldn’t!)

Why should marketers attend? Okay so I won’t be upset if you miss this one (though I may be personally offended) but I think you should make it a point to check it out because if there’s one thing marketers need more of, it’s time. And good automation gives you back time to do the things you really want to be doing. 

10:30 a.m. HubSpot Video Masterclass: Video Sharing and Advanced Reporting (must attend)

HubSpot Video isn't just one tool in HubSpot. It’s actually a collection of video features infused throughout the HubSpot platform brought to you through a partnership with Vidyard

HubSpot Video works right within HubSpot

If you’re not using HubSpot Video yet, I don’t know what you’re doing with your life. But don’t worry, you’ll get all caught up in this session co-led by Vidyard’s VP of Marketing, Tyler Lessard, and Head of Alliances at Vidyard, Rob Sale.

They will help you master the fundamentals of HubSpot Video for publishing video content online. Not only will they dive into advanced video analytics and reporting, they’ll teach you how to take your video strategy to the next level. Oh, did I mention HubSpot Video is free for all pro and enterprise HubSpot customers? 

Why must marketers attend? I think we’re past the point where I have to give out that stat about how most of the content consumed online is video and stuff, right? So let’s cut to the chase. Video is no longer just a top-of-funnel marketing tactic. This session will show you how to create, host, manage, customize, and measure video inside of HubSpot. 

12:45 p.m. Don't Worry, HubSpot Integrates With Everything (should attend)

I’m actually currently in the process of planning this one so there isn’t much live on our agenda just yet, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret; This hour and 15 minute session will have multiple 15-minute segments for you to choose from, each featuring a tool or service that can help make your job easier. Plus, all of the tools featured are part of HubSpot’s vast App Partner Program which means they integrate easily with HubSpot.

HubSpot App Partners

In some cases, it may mean optimizing tools you’re already using to work more seamlessly with HubSpot. Plus, Al Biedrzycki, Head of Platform Marketing at HubSpot, is going to kick off the whole thing. I may be a little biased, since I invited him, but I can’t wait for this segment. 

Why should marketers attend? I know a session featuring tools may seem like a glorified expo floor but this is so much more than that. Part of the amazing power of HubSpot is how many tools it integrates with. And, making sure your integrations are working properly can not only save you time and headaches, it can actually make your life easier! 

2:30 p.m. How To Show Your Content Makes Money With HubSpot Marketing and Sales Hubs (must attend)

If there’s one session at this entire event you must attend, it’s this one. 

I started planning HubSpot Training Day and knew I wanted to include something about one of the most important things you need to do with HubSpot: prove your marketing is working. And I’m not talking about vanity metrics here. I’m talking about marketing making money. 

🔎 Related: How to develop a killer content ROI strategy with HubSpot

Before I could even reach out to ask her to teach this session, IMPACT Editorial Director Liz Moorehead sent me this absolute gem of a session brief and I knew we were golden: 

“Day in and day out, you're busting your little booty to get revenue-generating content produced and published. As the days, weeks, and months roll by, you see the numbers tick up.

You see how content is being used throughout the sales process to close deals. But you still struggle to get the rest of your company to see those wins and be excited about content."

If this sounds familiar, this session is for you. In this tactics-packed session from IMPACT Editorial Director Liz Moorehead, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at her favorite hacks, tips, and tricks for using HubSpot Marketing and Sales Hubs to measure content marketing ROI. 

You'll also learn her time-tested processes for reporting on those wins so that everyone in your company — including sales — catches the vision of how content makes money for your company.”

Why must marketers attend? First of all, we all want to be Liz when we grow up, so of course we want to learn all her tricks. But second of all, this is the exact information you need to prove that both your investment in HubSpot and the time and effort you put into your content is all worth it. Easily proving your worth? That’s every marketer’s true dream.

Now before I wrap things up, as promised, here are a few sessions for those of you who are not yet using HubSpot or are just getting started with it. 

10:30 a.m. Email Marketing with HubSpot vs. Other Platforms (should attend)

Now, this is my talk. And yes, it’s going to talk about why HubSpot’s email platform is so great, however, I know it’s not a good fit for everyone and I even wrote about that earlier this year. But this session will definitely teach you if HubSpot is a good fit for you and, if it is, exactly how to get the most out of it. 

And I won’t just be talking about how to use the templates to make your emails look nice. You know I’m going to get into all the nitty gritty about deliverability, list hygiene maintenance, and even, you guessed it, GDPR compliance.

Why must marketers attend? If you’re considering HubSpot you absolutely must know how to get the most out of the email tool. From being legally compliant to not permanently damaging your sender reputation to just having nice looking emails that people will enjoy, there’s a lot to cover and I’m here for ya!

3:45 p.m. Migrating to HubSpot: What You Need to Know Regardless of Where You're Coming From (must attend)

Last, but most certainly not least, is this talk on migration. 

See, if you’re considering using HubSpot, you’re undoubtedly going to need to migrate at least some content and contacts from another platform. This session will give you the tools and information you need to have a smooth transition to HubSpot. 

Why must marketers attend? Anybody could dump your entire contact database and all your content into a new platform (and potentially charge you and arm and a leg for it) but migrating to a new platform is like moving to a new house: It’s a chance to declutter and start fresh. In this session you’ll learn how to properly name and organize assets in HubSpot so everything stays tidy and is easy to find. 

You’re a very busy marketer

Now is a crazy time for marketers - I know because I am one. We're being asked to do more with less and a whole lot of stress. (That rhymed! Kind of? I dunno, I’m so tired.) 

But that’s exactly why I’m telling you these HubSpot Training Day sessions are worth your time. With the knowledge from this day you’ll be able to automate tedious marketing tasks to get time back in your day all while proving that everything you’re doing is making your company money. 

So this time, instead of saying “Anna Kendrick is speaking and my VIP ticket gets me into her book signing!” you can confidently say “I’d be attending sessions that will specifically help me get more out of our investment with HubSpot and allow me to do more with less.” 

So, will I see you there? 

Don't forget to use the code STEPHANIE to save 50%!

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