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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Aug 4, 2017


Inbound Marketing Lead Generation

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"Generating Leads Online When You’re on a Budget:" The IMPACT Show Ep.13 [Show Notes]

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Aug 4, 2017

"Generating Leads Online When You’re on a Budget:" The IMPACT Show Ep.13 [Show Notes]

It's been a whirlwind week!

Fresh off of the success of IMPACT Live on Tuesday and Wednesday, Bob and Nick took to the airwaves to recap all of the highlights from the event (and how you can get in on next year's event already), Twitter's new subscription-based ad program, the retirement of Adobe Flash, and our big topic of the week, how to generate leads online on a budget.  

Just in case you missed us live (or if you want to relive the magic), you’ll find the episode’s show notes below as well as the recording.

Enjoy and make sure to share with your peers! 

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IMPACT Live Recap

  • Bob started the event with a challenge: Pick one thing you'll take away from the 2-days and vow to implement it at your business as soon as you get back.  
  • Many speakers reinforced takinf risks. Mark Roberge talked in depth, as well as Mike Volpe and David Meerman Scott, and it carried through the entire event.
  • Another takeaway was invest in video -- With George B Thomas and Dee Dee Dekenessey both speaking on the topic.
  • For a more in-depth recap and to see what you've missed, here's a look at Day One and Day Two of IMPACT Live.
  • Want to join us for IMPACT Live 2018? Get your ticket here!
    • Taking place at Infinity Hall in Hartford on August 7th and 8th, 2018, IMPACT Live 2018 will welcome back Marcus Sheridan as well keynote speakers:
      • HubSpot co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Dharmesh Shah
      • Best-selling author and Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs, Ann Handley
  • Join IMPACT Elite on Facebook for more updates.

Twitter's Subscription Style Ad Program

  • This is something Twitter is testing, but the subscription will be $99 / month.
    • In addition to month-long promoted account ads, Twitter will promote up to 10 tweets a day.
  • One question we have is, "what will we really get for $99?" 
  • Lesson: Pivot. Twitter noticed that PPC wasn't working and they made a change.
  • Full Article Here on MarketingLand

Adobe Pulling The Plug on Flash

  • By the end of 2020, Adobe plans to stop updating and distributing the once iconic Flash media player.
  • As marketers and organizations, don't be afraid to pull the plug if something it's working out. Spend your resources else where.
  • Full Article Here on CNN

Main Topic: “Generating Leads Online When You’re on a Budget”

Our recommendation - 6 steps:

  1. Do a deep dive on your buyer (interviews, user research, even competitive research)
    • The more specific the audience, the better
    • Understand how they buy (and the way people buy is always changing)
    • What do they look for in potential vendors?
    • How did they choose you?
    • What questions do they ask when going to websites?
  2. Give your website a professional facelift
    • Easy to navigate / easy to find what they’re looking for
    • You need to optimize it for what you just learned from your research (create the content they need)
    • You need to look like a legit, professional business… not a hack
    • Showcase your human side
  3. Develop an offer for your audience that’s irresistible
    • Could be a free offer, like a free consultation
    • Could be a package deal
    • Could be a tripwire
    • Could be something completely disconnected from your core offer but moves people down the sales funnel
      • Create something that makes your buyer take action.
    • Note - not all people that take you up on that offer
  4. Create a conversion path
    • When someone comes on your site, how are you promoting the offer and how do they convert?
    • Landing Page, form or CTA, thank you/redirect page,
    • Get your messaging right, prove the value
    • Use social proof and imagery
    • Neil Patel post: 12 Essentials of a High Converting Landing Page
  5. Double check everything
    • Put yourself in your potential buyer's shoes and be the biggest critic possible.
    • Go along their journey
  6. Promote your offer using paid channels
    • If you did a good job defining a narrow audience you’re going after in step 1, then it should be easy getting defining an audience using paid channels
    • Create ad copy that clearly defines your message…
    • If you’re b2b… consider using Linkedin Inmail messages.
    • Ryan Deiss from DigitalMarketer would say, “The traffic stores are open”
    • You don’t need a lot of traffic, you need the right traffic, with the right irresistible offer, to generate leads.

Next Steps:

We would love your comments! Feel free to send us an email or comment on the Facebook thread. 

If you really liked it, please give us a 5-star review on iTunes. Review offer: We have a special price for the first 10 people to leave us reviews on iTunes (hopefully 5-stars). After you do, send us an email at so we know it’s all set.

Join Us Next Week! Topic: Starting a Podcast

We'll be back again next Thursday, August 10th at 1:00 PM ET. Want to get reminded? Drop us your name and email address below and we’ll make sure you’re notified before the broadcast every Thursday!  

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