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How does your sales & marketing measure up?
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Stephanie Baiocchi

By Stephanie Baiocchi

Nov 16, 2018


Inbound Marketing

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Inbound Marketing

The Communication Continuum (The IMPACT Show Ep. 63)

Stephanie Baiocchi

By Stephanie Baiocchi

Nov 16, 2018

The Communication Continuum (The IMPACT Show Ep. 63)

Ithis week's episode of The IMPACT Show, Nick and I talked about Facebook's outage, overcoming people wanting free advice, cleaning up your HubSpot instance, and more! 

Plus, Nick recorded from HubSpot headquarters this week!

Check out the video recording below as well as the show notes. Enjoy and let us know what you thought in IMPACT Elite.


Like what you saw? Make sure to subscribe to email reminders and give us a review on iTunes.

Have feedback or questions? We’d love to hear it. Comment on this article, hit us up in Elite, or email us at

IMPACT Updates

An Update on The Latest [from IMPACT]

Not already getting The Latest? First things first, sign up to receive it.

We launched The Latest about 2 months ago so we're still drawing conclusions but people have responded saying they like the new format. Here’s what we’ve concluded so far: 

  • Don’t be alarmed when something changes data wise...that’s part of experimenting.
  • It's important for us that our newsletter comes from a person.
  • We also wanted our newsletter to be IMPACT-y. For us, that meant maintaining our specific voice and tone regardless of who writes it and curates the content.
  • We had to make this conversational and make sure we're always asking for a reply. Email is a two-way conversation not a one-way blast.
  • It was very important to update our subscriber settings accordingly on the back end.

Our next step is directly asking for feedback after a bit and continuing to monitor its performance with open and click rates (and unsubscribes!). 

Samantha Harr asked in Elite: "We have a newsletter we send out and we want to establish metrics by which to judge progress on growing outreach. The number of people who sign up to receive the newsletter is a clear metric, but we want to find a way to judge the quality of the recipients."

John McTigue replied: "Write segmented articles or posts for different personas and include them in your newsletter with different tracking url's."

Andrea Galvez replied: "A really, really simple way of doing this is to ask! Add 1-3 qualifying questions to your opt-in form."

Both quick and easy ways to accomplish what Samantha was looking to do! 

Client Success Broadcast #2!

This one is all about video! Why video?

As we introduce new services we've struggled to get the word out to our existing clients about these new things we offer that will help our clients. This is a way for us to make it valuable for them in a way that just us talking about new services wouldn't be. 

How are you educating your audience about what you do?

IMPACT Live for Teams!

We’ve launched a new IMPACT Live program specifically for teams.

We're offering special deals for companies who want to bring their whole team (or a chunk of their team) to IMPACT Live 2019. You can get priority seating, concierge level treatment, and more! It is limited though - as we only have so many front row seats and people to help. So get on it! Get all the info about IMPACT Live for teams.  Check out the video:

What Marketers Be Talkin' 'Bout

Where we go over what you're saying in IMPACT Elite.

MPACT Elite is a community of officially over 4,000 passionate inbounders looking to help each other succeed. That’s right! We hit 4,000. 

As Nick pointed out - that's the size of a small town! Let us know in Elite if you're from or live in a town smaller than Elite.

Check out the video we posted to celebrate: 

Of course then, Facebook had an outage - which meant so did Elite. Naturally, my life flashed before my eyes. So I wrote this article about why when Facebook goes down your business shouldn't and how to prevent it.

One of the three things I talk about is creating an advocate community - which I am doing! If you're interested in getting rewarded for things you're already doing like sharing our content, engaging in Elite, and coming to IMPACT Live then sign up for IMPACT Insiders!

Generating a Brand New Content Strategy

Andrew Carroll posted: “I’ve been recently been given the challenge of generating a content strategy for a company that’s never viewed content as a priority. It’s an exciting challenge that now has executive buy-in (and resources!) but we are still very lean. Any tips on producing high-quality keyword driven content would be greatly appreciated. Any early mistakes made I can learn from?” Check out the discussion in Elite!

How do you avoid people wanting free advice?

One of our most engaged Elite members and now an IMPACT team member as well, Caitlin Sellers Castevens, posted: “How do you overcome people wanting free advice, free promo, introductions, access to contacts, etc?

I don’t want to be rude but I also don’t want to listen to someone throw up as much info as possible about their biz at a networking event, expect a solution, maybe a quote off the cuff, and free consulting.

I politely say it is great connecting, email me if you want to continue the convo but they JUST.KEEP.TALKING. to the point where it is keeping me from meeting others.”

That's a tough one but certainly familiar to many of us. Check out the great tips and discussion on this topic in Elite.

Nick shared his "gotta keep moving!" technique which I tried at INBOUND this year and loved!

IMPACT Elite Live Conversations Series

We have a series of live conversations that are exclusively available to IMPACT Elite members. The third conversation in our series was this week with Tammy Duggan-Herd from Campaign Creators. Check out the recording in Elite

Here are the upcoming conversations:

November 27th Salma Jafri, Founder of Be the Media and manager of Personal Branding with Video Facebook group
December 11th Mark Rogers - Carney/The Daily Carnage

You can add the entire series to your calendar here!

Inbound in Action

This is where we talk about what we’re doing and what we’ve learned lately right here in the trenches. 

Cleaning Up Your HubSpot Instance

Ah, my workflow weekend…this weekend I spent some time auditing and cleaning up IMPACT's workflows in HubSpot. We've been doing some ongoing clean up of lists, contact data, contact properties, and more.

Check out Nick's INBOUND 2016 session "Chaos Under Control: How To Organize a Messy Contacts Database" for some tips on how you can do this yourself. If this sounds like something you need but just can't manage the time to make it happen - reach out to us! IMPACT can help.

Keeping Up with Reviews

We know reviews are important today. Regardless of your type of business you'll likely be reading reviews before making a purchase decision. For IMPACT, the HubSpot partner agency directory is a big deal for us and we know that it's vital that we have reviews there. So, we're working as a team to make sure we keep up with getting our clients to post a review of their experience with us. 

We would love your comments. What did you think of the show? Let us know in Elite. Make sure you never miss a show or update by subscribing at

Join Us Next Time! 

Until next time...we'll see you in Elite!

Free Assessment:

How does your sales & marketing measure up?
Take this free, 5-minute assessment and learn what you can start doing today to boost traffic, leads, and sales.