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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jun 3, 2018


Infographics Careers in Inbound

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9 Thoughtful Ways to Focus Your Work-Day Wandering Mind [Infographic]

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jun 3, 2018

9 Thoughtful Ways to Focus Your Work-Day Wandering Mind [Infographic]

The sun is shining and the air is warm.

Here in New England, when spring (and soon to be summer) fever hits, it hits hard, and I know I’m not alone saying sometimes it’s hard to focus during the work day.

Spring fever or not, however, everyone has moments when their mind wanders.

This may happen for a number of reasons --  lack of sleep, stress at home, anxiety wondering what will happen on the next episode of your latest Netflix binge -- but regardless of what they may be, we have to be able to power through and be able to focus in order to stay productive and move projects across the finish line.

Personally, I like to drown things out by listening to or tucking myself away in a quiet room, but that won’t work for everyone.

In this infographic from Onward, a blog by the UK company, On Stride Financial, you’ll find 9 simple, but thoughtful ways to focus your wandering mind:

  1. Add a Deliberate Distraction:
    • Instrumental Music (or white noise like my rain!)
  2. Give Your Mind a Moment to Daydream
  3. Identify and Eliminate Stressors
  4. Grab a Cup of Coffee or Dark Chocolate
  5. Take 1 Minute to Doodle
    • Simple geometric shapes, patterns, and designs tend to be most effective
  6. Count to 10 Slowly as You Breathe
  7. Try a Naam Yoga Hand Trick to Reduce Stress
  8. Track What Makes Your Mind Wander
  9. Chew Spearmint Gum

For more details, check out the full infographic below!

Courtesy of: On Stride

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