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Stephanie Baiocchi

By Stephanie Baiocchi

Nov 30, 2018


Inbound Marketing

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Inbound Marketing

Try Things and Iterate Fast (The IMPACT Show Ep. 64)

Stephanie Baiocchi

By Stephanie Baiocchi

Nov 30, 2018

Try Things and Iterate Fast (The IMPACT Show Ep. 64)

Ithis week's episode of The IMPACT Show, Nick and I talked about our latest website redesign and why we did it, what the heck BTCT is, lessons from using GoVideo and more! 

Plus, Nick recorded from HubSpot headquarters this week!

Check out the video recording below as well as the show notes. Enjoy and let us know what you thought in IMPACT Elite.


Like what you saw? Make sure to subscribe to email reminders and give us a review on iTunes.

Have feedback or questions? We’d love to hear it. Comment on this article, hit us up in Elite, or email us at


IMPACT Updates

Our Latest Website Redesign

We recently updated our website (again). Christine talks about it in-depth in this article. You can see in the article the difference between the old site and the new one. I think this line from the article sums it up well: "Rather than distracting the user with other messages about our company, we made our content shine alone." Check out the updated homepage and see what we're talking about.

Nick pointed out how this was a good move for IMPACT specifically because we know that prospects who are a good fit to be a client of IMPACT's are the ones who read our content and educate themselves. However, we do need to make sure our prospects know how to easily take the next steps and learn about our service offerings. We're still finding the right balance here and making steps in the right direction! 

Brand New Pillar Content

We've got two brand-spankin'-new pieces of pillar content for you! Liz Murphy and Franco Valentino shared their recent pieces of pillar content in IMPACT Elite and we wanted to call some attention to them because they're not only great content, they're also great examples of beautifully designed pillars! Liz's is called How to Create a Content Style Guide and Franco wrote Is SEO Dead in 2019? | A Comprehensive Analysis for Digital Marketers. Check out these pillars if you're interested in either topic because they really did a fantastic job covering everything you need to know! Plus, they're well-designed . 

When Plan A Fails...Recent Live Video Lessons

We had another Elite Exclusive Live Conversation this week...but we almost didn't. Due to some scheduling and technical challenges we almost weren't able to have our live conversation with Salma Jafri this week. We did end up having it but just starting an hour later. However, this resulted in me having to frantically update the broadcast time across a variety of places and quickly spin up some announcements to send out to subscribers to let them know the broadcast was going to start late. 

This was another reminder that I really need to take my own advice and create a true backup plan/crisis plan for our live broadcasts (conversations, throwdowns, webinars, etc.). The recent Facebook outages have made this all the more apparent and now I will be sure to create a plan for these instances so we can be prepared for the next time the inevitable happens!

I also shared how this live conversation may have reversed my original thoughts, from recent live streams, that live video isn't working as well anymore. 


What Marketers Be Talkin' 'Bout

Where we go over what you're saying in IMPACT Elite.

MPACT Elite is a community of officially over 4,000 passionate inbounders looking to help each other succeed. Join us in IMPACT Elite.

Speaking of Facebook outages... yeah, it happened again. Since our last episode just two weeks ago Facebook had yet another major outage - the third recent one. This one was especially frustrating because it happened right before the Thanksgiving (and subsequent crazy shopping days) weekend.

While I calmly wrote an article about how when Facebook goes down your business shouldn't during the last outage, I couldn't stay quite as calm this time. I wasn't able to do so many things I needed to do the day of this most recent outage and it hit those doing Facebook ads (and Instagram) even harder. Fortunately, IMPACT's Liz Murphy rounded up some fun tweets (for a much needed laugh) and combined them with some thoughts from both me and IMPACT's resident Facebook expert, Ali Parmelee. Check out the post aptly titled: With Yet Another Facebook & Instagram Outage, What Are Marketers Supposed to Do?

From Workshops Come Many Great Things

Leah Hovland posted in IMPACT Elite: “after an inspiring workshop with Marcus Sheridan in October, KOGGER has increased content and finally published a video (1 of hopefully many more:) Would really appreciate it if as many of you as possible, look at it and tell us what you think. Thankful for any feedback!" We love that Leah has already taken the steps to get a first video created and that she shared it with the group for feedback at this point in the journey! 

Then Leah also posted: “By the way, the workshop with Marcus Sheridan hosted by Chris Marr also inspired to create a KOGGER acronym: BTCT. Wonder if Marcus and Chris can figure out what the letters stand for?”

It stands for: Be Transparent Create Trust. We love that they created something that showed they understand the lessons from Marcus Sheridan but made it their own and something that will truly work for them. 

What Elite Members are Thankful For

Last week in IMPACT Elite, Liz Murphy shared a timely episode of her podcast, Content Lab, which covered apps and inspiration for which she is thankful. 

Then she said: “OK, Eliters. What marketing stuff are you thankful for? And by "stuff" I mean any apps, little-known tricks, your favorite thought leaders, awesome articles, or anything else that has just made your life better as a marketer? Would love to see us crowdsource an amazing list of inspiration for all of us to enjoy, as we head into the holiday weekend!” Check out the discussion in Elite and add your own addition to the thread! I love how many of these were ambient sounds for people to use while working - including a Harry Potter one!

NEW: From [The Latest]

Nick and I decided to add a new section here where we highlight our favorite content from the last two weeks (6 editions) of The Latest, IMPACT's newsletter. First things first, if you're not subscribed be sure to sign up and check out recent editions of The Latest

Nick shared this video he liked where Zach Basner talks about YouTube vs. Vidyard. I shared an article by Morgan VanDerLeest which was part of IMPACT's new segment called IMPACT Toolbox. Morgan shared six little-known tools that could transform your marketing strategy including tools for transcription, SEO, and more.

Inbound in Action

This is where we talk about what we’re doing and what we’ve learned lately right here in the trenches. 

What We've Learned Using GoVideo

This week in Inbound in Action, Nick shared what he learned recently using GoVideo in his sales communications. Nick has been using Vidyard's GoVideo to add a more engaging component to his emails for a while now. He recently experimented with sending an agreement to a prospect and doing a screenshare recording that walks through the document.

He quickly learned that, no matter how many great answers you give in the video, if you link to the document, most people will go right into the document and skip the video. We never send an agreement without going over it with the prospect. Since there were time constraints, Nick decided to try the video approach. The next time this happened, Nick decided to do a shorter video, reviewing the agreement, to the prospect that said "let me know if you think this is good to go and if so, I'll send over the agreement OR we can meet if you're not 100% sure yet." So, lesson learned: if you want to be absolutely sure someone watches your video make sure it's the only thing you send!

We would love your comments. What did you think of the show? Let us know in Elite. Make sure you never miss a show or update by subscribing at

Join Us Next Time! 

Until next time...we'll see you in Elite!

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