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Ready? I'm about to give you some tough love.
Nobody, I repeat, nobody cares about your traditional sales pitch.
Nobody wants to answer your cold call during Sunday dinner while they have a mouth full of mashed potatoes. Nobody is going to voluntarily sit through the 15 minute spam spiel you've been practicing in the mirror, and unless you're selling Thin Mints, chances are nobody wants you knocking on their door.
If you really want to convert prospects into customers, your focus has to be on something much greater than a sales pitch.
So before you start outlining your next monologue, keep reading. We've outlined 4 approaches that will help your business ditch the pitch and convert more loyal customers.
Stop Talking About Yourself
Have you ever gone on one of those dates where the other person is so self-absorbed that you start to wonder if its even possible for them to talk about anything other than themselves? Don't be that bad date.
While a stale sales pitch focuses on you, your product, or your service, that's not what your potential customers want to hear. If it's not about them, and their wants, and their needs it's easier than you think to become background noise.
If you're trying to convert prospects into customers don't talk about yourself, talk about them. If your message isn't connected to your audience, they're going to check out.
Have a Conversation
Nobody likes to be talked at.
Rather than spending 15 minutes preaching to people, open up the floor for a two-way discussion. Allow the audience to voice their opinion and their concerns and then respond in a way that speaks to their needs. Don't just assume you know what they want to hear.
Once you begin to engage with people, they'll be more likely to hear you out. When they're involved in the conversation, when they have an opportunity to challenge your motion and poke holes in your plan, they'll begin to trust in your ability to deliver strong results.
Utilize Storytelling
The trouble with sales pitches is that they don't resonate. If you really want to get your point across, tell your audience a story.
By harnessing the power of emotion, inspiration, and common ground, you'll find that it's much easier to capture and hold the attention of your audience.
Think about the way you interact with advertisements on television. While we're willing to stick around for an entertaining Old Spice ad during a commercial break, it's likely that an infomercial for the ShamWow or the infamous Slap Chop will prompt a channel swap.
While 3 easy payments of $9.99 sounds thrilling, it's hard to believe they're allowed to air this type of stuff on television. With articles like "20 Informercial GIFs That Prove Real Life is Hard" and "38 GIFs of Stupid Infomercial People" floating around the Internet, it's no secret that people aren't taking these overbearing sales pitches seriously.
On the other hand, the efforts that are receiving the right kind of attention are the ones that make us feel something. Witty advertisements from Old Spice work because they tap into the audience's interests and appetite for entertainment. They calls upon commonalities that people can actually relate to, and they stick.
Share the Wealth
A successful sale needs to be more than just take, take, take. Giving your prospects something, even if it's just insight, without asking for something in return will help to set you apart from the crowd.
Customer's are used to be taken advantage of. They're often times guarded and aware of the old bait-and-switch techniques employed by deceptive businesses. Your job is to prove them wrong and shake away their doubt.
Consider what is going on as you read this article. I'm not charging you, I'm not pitching a deal, I'm simply writing to provide all of you with free information that will hopefully help you to remedy some of your marketing woes.
Don't Ruin Another Sale
So there you have it. Some tough love on how to convert prospects into customers the right way.
If after reading this you're feeling guilty about the way you've approached these conversations (or lack there of) in the past, don't be. Learning from your mistakes makes for improved performance in the next round.
So put down your deck of note cards, walk away from the mirror, and start focusing on what really matters: your audience.

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